I analyzed global_recon/run_demo.py with some attention and didn't find a direct way to generate this 4th representation (HybrIK(World)), only GLAMR (Cam), GLAMR (World) and HybrIK (Cam).
My question is:
Is there any way to get this 4th representation from the data collected in run_demo.py? Or should this process be performed while estimating the pose and shape generated by HybrIK in run_pose_est_on_video(...)?
I believe it would be interesting to include in the project the code snippet used to generate this 4th representation. And as such, I would be grateful if someone could publish it.
Hi! Thanks for the excellent work.
In this gif: https://github.com/NVlabs/GLAMR/blob/main/docs/basketball_glamr_vs_hybrik.gif a direct comparison between GLAMR and HybrIK in world and camera projection was presented.
I analyzed global_recon/run_demo.py with some attention and didn't find a direct way to generate this 4th representation (HybrIK(World)), only GLAMR (Cam), GLAMR (World) and HybrIK (Cam).
My question is: Is there any way to get this 4th representation from the data collected in run_demo.py? Or should this process be performed while estimating the pose and shape generated by HybrIK in run_pose_est_on_video(...)?
I believe it would be interesting to include in the project the code snippet used to generate this 4th representation. And as such, I would be grateful if someone could publish it.