NVlabs / LSGM

The Official PyTorch Implementation of "LSGM: Score-based Generative Modeling in Latent Space" (NeurIPS 2021)
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Train on afhq dataset #6

Closed wangherr closed 2 years ago

wangherr commented 2 years ago

In the readme, train vae on 'celeba'

size: 3*256*256
len: 27000
gpus: 16
batch: 4
epochs: 200

if I want to train other dataset, such as afhq:

size: 3*256*256
len: 5153
gpus: 16
batch: 4
epochs: 200

the length of two dataset is not equal, it's not suitable to just add epochs due to scheduler.

could you please give some suggestions?