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Nvbit with mpirun #96

Closed mahmoodn closed 1 year ago

mahmoodn commented 1 year ago

Does Nvbit work with mpirun command? Apparently,

LD_PRELOAD=~/nvbit-1.5.5/tools/mem_trace/mem_trace.so \
mpirun -np 2 lmp_mpi -sf gpu -in in.test

doesn't print the memory addresses, while without mpirun -np 2 it is fine. Any comment on that?

ovilla commented 1 year ago

It should work, we use it all the time, try also CUDA_INJECTION64_PATH instead of LD_PRELOAD, and try with absolute path starting from "/" instead of "~". Please report with actual repro instructions if still does not work, we will eventually take a look at it. Thanks.