NVlabs / few-shot-vid2vid

Pytorch implementation for few-shot photorealistic video-to-video translation.
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Input/Label encoding for converting RGB images to semantic labels? #61

Closed ChintanTrivedi closed 3 years ago

ChintanTrivedi commented 3 years ago

I want to convert RGB street images to a 2-class semantic label. I have prepared the dataset accordingly. While training, I added the arguments "--input_nc 2 --label_nc 3" but that's not how the expected encoding is, it seems. What changes do I need to make to my custom data loader and vid2vid model to train this?

Edit: I suppose variables _transformI and _transformL in _data/fewshot_customdataset.py need to be changed to something else, but I'm not sure to what.

ChintanTrivedi commented 3 years ago

Answer: --label_nc 0