Closed SlimeVRX closed 1 year ago
Many thanks!
This is my sample code
import imageio # Importing imageio library, used for reading and writing image data
import numpy as np # Importing numpy library, which is commonly used for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with mathematical operators on these arrays
import torch # Importing PyTorch library, a popular library for machine learning research
import nvdiffrast.torch as dr # Importing nvdiffrast's PyTorch interface, a library used for rasterization, mainly in graphics rendering
# Define a helper function that creates PyTorch tensors on GPU ('cuda' device)
def tensor(*args, **kwargs):
return torch.tensor(*args, device='cuda', **kwargs)
# Initialize a CUDA context for rasterization
glctx = dr.RasterizeCudaContext()
# Define the position of vertices in 3D space. Each vertex has x, y, z coordinates and w (for homogenous coordinates)
pos = tensor([[[-0.8, -0.8, 1, 1], [0.8, -0.8, -1, 1], [-0.8, 0.8, -1, 1], [0.8, 0.8, 1, 1], [0.4, 0.4, 1, 1], [0.3, 0.3, 1, 1], [0.2, 0.2, 1, 1]]], dtype=torch.float32)
# Get the z (depth) values from the position tensor
depth_ = pos[..., 2:3]
# Convert the depth tensor to have only one z-value per vertex
depth = tensor([[[(z_val/1)] for z_val in depth_.squeeze()]], dtype=torch.float32)
# Define the triangles by referring to the indexes of vertices in 'pos' tensor
tri = tensor([[0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1]], dtype=torch.int32)
# Rasterize the triangles to generate pixel coverage and depth (z-buffer)
rast, _ = dr.rasterize(glctx, pos, tri, resolution=[256, 256])
# Interpolate depth values across the rasterized pixels
out, _ = dr.interpolate(depth, rast, tri)
# Compute old minimum and maximum depth values
old_min = torch.min(out)
old_max = torch.max(out)
# Define new minimum and maximum depth values (for normalization)
new_min = 0
new_max = 255
# Normalize the output tensor to range [new_min, new_max]
out = (out - old_min) / (old_max - old_min) * (new_max - new_min) + new_min
# Convert the output tensor to a numpy array, repeat it across color channels, and convert it to uint8 type
out = np.squeeze(out.cpu().numpy())
out = np.repeat(out[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2).astype(np.uint8)
# Notify the user that the image is being saved
print("Saving to 'tri.png'.")
# Save the rasterized and interpolated depth values as an image
imageio.imsave('tri_.png', out)
Your code correctly extracts the linear depth, i.e., distance from the camera plane, and normalizes it to between 0 and 255. I don't quite understand what you're asking for us to help with.
Hi @s-laine!
I have a face mesh, I want to get depth face map from mesh.
I read the code and found a way to render depth. I modified as above
I want to get depth from mesh, Please send me a sample code! Thank you very much!