NVlabs / nvdiffrecmc

Official code for the NeurIPS 2022 paper "Shape, Light, and Material Decomposition from Images using Monte Carlo Rendering and Denoising".
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Influence of object scale #12

Closed MartinSmeyer closed 1 year ago

MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

This is really awesome work, thank you!

I got good initial results for an image collection of an industrial object including both metallic and plastic parts: val_000359_kd val_000359_ks val_000359_light_image val_000359_normal val_000359_opt val_000359_ref

Since some geometric detail is still hidden in the texture, I was wondering if the small scale (6cm diameter) might be a problem? I tried playing with the mesh_scale parameter but it diverges so I assume it only works for input meshes not for posed image collections?

    "ref_mesh": "data/tless_half/obj_000001",
    "random_textures": true,
    "iter": 5000,
    "save_interval": 100,
    "texture_res": [ 512, 512 ],
    "train_res": [280, 280],
    "batch": 32,
    "learning_rate": [0.06, 0.01],
    "dmtet_grid" : 128,
    "mesh_scale" : 1.0,
    "validate" : true,
    "n_samples" : 12,
    "laplace_scale" : 3000,
    "denoiser" : "bilateral",
    "display": [{"latlong" : true}, {"bsdf" : "kd"}, {"bsdf" : "ks"}, {"bsdf" : "normal"}],
    "background" : "black",
    "out_dir": "tless_half_obj_000001_bs_lr_tex512"
MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

I guess with a little finer subdivisions we could gain a lot:


MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

Actually my fault sorry, I used mesh_scale=5 instead of mesh_scale=1/5.

jmunkberg commented 1 year ago

Thanks @MartinSmeyer

Yes, the code is fairly rudimentary for posed image collections. For best results, make sure your object is centered, and that the grid is fairly tight around the object. There is a known issue with mesh_scale < 1, so if possible, it would be better to scale the mv matrix in the dataset loader if that is an option for you. Which loader are you using for this test?

jmunkberg commented 1 year ago

Also, if possible, I would recommend to run in higher image resolution than "train_res": [280, 280] to increase geometry detail.

MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your insights, @jmunkberg!

Yes, I think I am running into the issue for mesh_scale<1 now: image

Which loader are you using for this test?

I am using the DatasetLLFF. Could you please point me to the line where I can scale the mv matrix?

I would recommend to run in higher image resolution than "train_res": [280, 280]

Good point, I have another set of higher resolution images which I will test next.

jmunkberg commented 1 year ago

After line 88 https://github.com/NVlabs/nvdiffrecmc/blob/main/dataset/dataset_llff.py#L88 try adding a line mv = mv @ util.scale(5.0) or mv = mv @ util.scale(1.0/5.0) (I don't remember which way to scale in the LLFF format) Untested, but hopefully something like that can work!

That loader should already auto-center the poses as well https://github.com/NVlabs/nvdiffrecmc/blob/main/dataset/dataset_llff.py#L65

MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

Yes thanks, I just figured it out, it looks promising: image

MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

I did mv[:3,3] *= 5 so mv = mv @ util.scale(5.0)

MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

It's getting more details now:

Flat: image

Smooth: image

The metal material part is unfortunately missing this time: image

Thanks for your help!

jmunkberg commented 1 year ago

Great! I would still expect much higher tessellation/triangle count, if you are using ""dmtet_grid" : 128," so ensure that the initial grid is fairly tight around your model (that is usually visible in early training images). Try scaling even more perhaps, like mv = mv @ util.scale(10.0) or higher.

jmunkberg commented 1 year ago

To get better material parameters, you can play a bit with the regularizers. The settings here are a good start if you are working from real photographs


MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

Yes, I am using the 128 dmtet_grid, with 10 it already cuts off the top: image

Currently trying 8, it looks better. For the material it seems like it still needs a higher loss on missing metallness despite the boundaries. Higher resolution should help, too, will report back.

MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

Auto smooth shading with mv scaled by 8:


Got a bit of the metallicness as well: image

I still need to preprocess the high resolution data, will close this for now but probably report back results.

Thanks again!

MartinSmeyer commented 1 year ago

As an update, higher resolution data improved geometry, unfortunately the metallic parts are missing completely now although I tried playing around with the parameters. I might try changing the lambda parameters as well. Maybe it's because it was recorded on a turntable, without a constant point light source. Or because there are not so many metallic regions.

tless_1 tless_1_textured

Original: 000414

Thanks again!

jmunkberg commented 1 year ago

Maybe it's because it was recorded on a turntable, without a constant point light source.

Yes, that is likely the issue. We assume a fixed lighting condition and a static object, so if the object rotates, that will break our assumption. For a turntable setup, we could likely add a transform to the env map for each frame, to take the rotation into account, but that is not supported atm