NWC-CUAHSI-Summer-Institute / LGAR-py

LGAR in python/torch
MIT License
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Making this project more pythonic #18

Open taddyb opened 1 year ago

taddyb commented 1 year ago

What to do:

taddyb commented 1 year ago

Using the period of 01/01/01-01/31/01 for validation that I'm not breaking anything. Here is the output I want:

Nproc: 0 Epoch 1 Training: 100%|██████████| 744/744 [00:55<00:00, 13.40it/s]
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,160][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - ********************************************************* 
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - -------------------- Simulation Summary ----------------- 
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - ------------------------ Mass balance ------------------- 
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Initial water in soil    =       3.023013 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Total precipitation      =       0.423282 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Total infiltration       =       0.423282 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Final water in soil      =       3.482809 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Surface ponded water     =       0.000000 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Surface runoff           =       0.000000 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - GIUH runoff              =       0.000000 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Total percolation        =       0.000000 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Total AET                =       0.020257 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Total PET                =       0.852966 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,161][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Total discharge (Q)      =       0.000000 cm
[2023-07-20 17:16:28,162][models.physics.MassBalance][INFO] - Global balance           =   -5.677134e-02 cm
taddyb commented 1 year ago

Note, this is using NN params. Which is my suspicion for the mass balance not being as good

taddyb commented 1 year ago

Closing since I don't have time for this nonsense :clown:

RY4GIT commented 1 year ago

Why did you close it