For Stage, Groundwater, Conductivity, ADVM, and Temperature
I updated the survey to prepopulate the question based on if the location HasDataLogger or if the battery was not replaced because of DOA.
Previously I was just looking at the HasDataLogger field and not the replacement field
In addition, I made this field editable in case the user wants to overwrite the value.
Question: What would Katie and Steve like to see this question appear as? Right now it reads "Data Logger Available to Measure Real-Time Level?
For Stage, Groundwater, Conductivity, ADVM, and Temperature
I updated the survey to prepopulate the question based on if the location HasDataLogger or if the battery was not replaced because of DOA. Previously I was just looking at the HasDataLogger field and not the replacement field In addition, I made this field editable in case the user wants to overwrite the value.
Question: What would Katie and Steve like to see this question appear as? Right now it reads "Data Logger Available to Measure Real-Time Level?