NWUHEP / ntupleProducer

Northwestern ntuplizer tools for use with CMSSW.
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Add the v6.4 changes back #4

Closed pollackscience closed 11 years ago

pollackscience commented 11 years ago

I got vimdiff to work with git finally (set it for git difftool, not git diff). So andrey can go ahead and use that to fix stuff!

pollackscience commented 11 years ago

Added back all I'm willing to do. There was so little that changed, andrey basically did less than nothing. This is the last time i take any of his requests seriously.

skimLepton wasn't even being used! How hard is it to add to the .cc file? It looks like you got through the cfg, the header, then gave up and went to play left4dead.

andreypz commented 11 years ago

Why did you start with v6.4? In the instructions it says specifically for developers to start from master branch. There were two more commits after 6.4 You can also re-read an email I sent you a while ago, where I describe exactly the changes you erased (in cfg file) and should add back. They are not there yet. And why the hell did you add the root file?

Try it again Brian.

pollackscience commented 11 years ago

nah, you can do it if you want, your changes are too few and too useless.