NX-Editor / NxEditor

A general editor for editing first-party Nintendo formats. Primary aimed at support for Tears of the Kingdom files and more modern Nintendo Switch files.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Why is a full game dump (RomFS) required? #22

Closed sSomename closed 1 year ago

sSomename commented 1 year ago

Why is the romfs required to edit files. Unlike a mod manager which has clear reasons for such a requirement this is a tool for editing files from the game.

ArchLeaders commented 1 year ago

Every file that is compressed with zStandard (.zs) requires a dictionary file (ZsDic.pack.zs) to decompress. But, since you would need to dump the game to get those files anyway, and with future developments in mind to use more files. It seemed sensible to require a full game dump just for simplicity.

At any rate, you'll need it eventually for a mod merger.

sSomename commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick and clear explanation.