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error during compilation, crossing with qualcomm sources #1

Open AMV007 opened 8 years ago

AMV007 commented 8 years ago

android-6.0.0_r1 4.3.0_M (PN547C2/PN548C2) NFC_NCIHALx_AR0F.4.3.0_M_OpnSrc

build/core/base_rules.mk:157: *\ vendor/qcom/proprietary/nfc/GsmaServices/gsmaapi: MODULE.TARGET.JAVA_LIBRARIES.com.gsma.services.nfc already defined by frameworks/base/nxp-nfc-gsma. Stop.

xboxfanj commented 7 years ago

Can probably delete the stack in the bsp. This replaces it. Which device and SoC are you using? Also, Qualcomm forks these repos as well for certain branches, so you may want to see if your SoC has a branch here: https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/platform/vendor/nxp/opensource/