NYCDA-Processing / RecruiterSDK

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Recruiter questions /see list #14

Open ncooke opened 9 years ago

ncooke commented 9 years ago

Casey, Here is a list of things we would like discussed in the upcoming meeting. I got a lot of input from Jade and Claire.

--application (Claire and Nanci)

1#. Can we have a note or alert at the top of the application that informs the applicant -- a. approximately how long it will take to complete the application; b. to be prepared with either a credit card or discount code before starting the application; c. how long his application will be kept on file*

2# Can we have a confirmation page that informs/reminds the applicant -- a. "Your Coordinator is: XXXXX, Address\ and/or phone***" b. reminder of next steps or helpful links.(For example, "Schedule an audition (link)"; "Tips on preparing for your audition (link)"...

3#. Is there a way for the applicant to flag the application to be removed/withdrawn?

--Admission Coordinator Dashboard (Claire) 4#. Can we update the funnel view "My Inquiries" to sort by record created date, while also showing the inquiry date.

--Standards and practices (Jade and Nanci) 5#. Create a standard/practice of including reason in the task for: not interested, reject and withdraw.

(That way Jade or I can do the right action based on the reason given in the task. For instance, someone might create a task to "deny" or "reject" an applicant that has been accepted. If the reason is "student is going to another college," we would change their status to "withdrawn." Even if the student was not accepted we wouldn't technically be denying the student if the student has chosen another college.)

6#. Create a practice of scanning Audition sheets to Kwik tag (Intern assignment), but not enter the audition sheet to Recruiter till instructed to do so by coordinator. The coordinator will have an opportunity to contact the prospect first. And we will not handle the original hard copy of the audition sheet till the file is ready to go into review. The coordinator will not release the original till the prospect progresses all the way to review and then s/he will remove the audition she from his files so that, at any point, there is only ever one copy of the audition sheet on file.

*or have some way of tracking "expiring applications" = date of start of classes for AET plus 10 days, and have them show up in a view for coordinators to make calls.

**Coordinator Address is to make it easy for a student to send their transcripts to the coordinator's attention.

***Coordinator Name and phone number is so the applicant won't be surprised when the coordinator's number shows up on their caller ID.