NYCPlanning / ae-zoning-api

This application is API for serving data related to zoning and tax lots.
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Endpoint Testing: GetZoningDistrictClassesByUuid, e2e and service unit #152

Closed TangoYankee closed 7 months ago

TangoYankee commented 7 months ago


Write e2e tests and service unit tests for the GetZoningDistrictClassesByUuid endpoint.

(This endpoint is within the zoning district domain and accepts a zoning district ID. However, it returns zoning district classes. In instances where we want to mock the return of an object based on its relationship to another we can use a tuple. A tuple of length two will "link" the two objects. See branch 118/unit-test for an example. We relate a tax lot to zoning districts by placing them in a tuple.)

(Yes, it's super confusing that it's effectively a naming clash with GetZoningDistrictClassesById. A more appropriate name would be something like GetZoningDistrictClassesByZoningDistrictId. This should be cleaned up when we go through and rename things as part of discussion #115 )

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