NYCPlanning / ae-zoning-api

This application is API for serving data related to zoning and tax lots.
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Research API load testing tools and best practices #192

Closed TylerMatteo closed 3 months ago

TylerMatteo commented 4 months ago

This Issue is a spike to research best practices and tooling for performing API load testing in the context of our back end tech stack.

Possible outcomes

TangoYankee commented 4 months ago

@TylerMatteo I rushed the below summary so that I could move on to higher priority tickets. However, there should be enough here to move along the load testing discussion.

Tooling Landscape

The article 'best-load-testing' served as an outline for what to look for in load testers. There are many proprietary and open source services. As established in previous discussions, our team leans to open source solutions. Open source tooling of interest includes Auto Cannon, k6, apache Jmeter, and artillery. We also develop primarily in javascript and our tooling should support this. This is a mark against J meter because it is leverages Java. The tooling should be cloud agnostic to avoid vendor lock. This is a mark against Artillery because it targets AWS lambda and Fargate for its test runners. This leaves autocannon and k6. Autocannon appears to be a basic and adequate choice. However, K6 has more features in the both the test running and data analysis phase. Autocannon nominally is more mature- it is on v7 while k6 is on v 0.40. However, the k6 team is larger, part of a company (Grafana), and the team has been developing the tool since at least 2017. K6 is selected for a deeper dive.

K6 Experimentation

K6 is a Go application but reads javascript for its scripting language. It can be run in a Docker container. Several experiments were conducted for k6. These experiments involved test running, file building, and data display.

The first configuration created a basic test for tax lots. It is on the commit for Basic tax lot tests. The tests are run in Docker against the zoning api running directly on the computer's localhost. There are three npm scripts. The bundle command takes the typescript files and transpiles them into javascript to be run in K6. The testnpm script runs k6 in docker with the load test script. The go script runs 'bundle' and 'test' in series. K6 only runs one script at a time and organizing the tests is an open questions. But, each script can organize itself with each request assigned a tag and/or group. In a basic setup, the tests produce performance summary statistics and pass/fail outcomes for customizable thresholds. The next section explores more complex test result products/visualizations.

Grafana visualizations k6 is part of the Grafana ecosystem. Its results can be saved to a time series database and visualized through Grafana. The linked demo uses influxDB (based on Rust). There is also a Postgres extension called Timescale. However, the example timescale repo relies on installing Go natively. Finally, Azure does have a Managed Grafana service. These tools show how we could scale the data intake from k6. It offers a second-by-second display of app performance, reflecting how the app reacted during different stages. However, data visualization should probably be de-scoped from an MVP because it requires yet another service to host the Grafana service.

Auto-generated tests Finally, there is tooling around automatically generating tests from the open api documentation. The open api test file was semi-automatically generated from these instructions. However, it falls short in two ways. First, the generated file needs to be manually edited with key parameters before it can be run. These precludes automatic updates to the tests because the manual edits would be overridden. Second, the tests are grouped by domain. However, the groups documentation suggests using Behavior-Driven-Development; we would end up rewriting the auto-generated tests to regroup them.

Next Steps

TangoYankee commented 4 months ago

Here is a frontend tool, btw: