NYCPlanning / data-engineering

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Incorporate parking spots in DevDB #756

Open fvankrieken opened 2 months ago

fvankrieken commented 2 months ago

Revisiting emails, hope this will be simpler than I thought it would be yesterday

Housing would like parking lots included in hdb. This is stored, in some form, in their systems (now and bis. now has replaced bis, both are web apps for developers managing applications). We get many datasets relating to this

Those first 4 we get from open data. CofOs we get manually from DOB because they include extra columns for us

It seems like it would be simplest to ask DOB to add this data to CofOs for multiple reasons. Primarily, because MF has told us that's where she's found them in the past (if you look at an individual CofO pdf, it's a field). But she also says we've gotten a table from them in the past with a parking spot column, so they hopefully have already done the work of parsing it out of text fields.

So this will have a few parts

fvankrieken commented 1 month ago

dob_now_applications does actually include parking lots, and it makes it through devdb build up to final query that creates exports. Checking in with housing on if this actually meets their needs already

fvankrieken commented 1 month ago

Emailed DOB about possibility of getting this data for BIS applications