NYCPlanning / data-engineering

Primary repository for NYC DCP's Data Engineering team
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Ar facilities automation #832

Closed alexrichey closed 1 month ago

alexrichey commented 1 month ago

This PR does a lot, basically everything required for me to have confidence pushing facilities to Socrata. it's probably easiest to review commit by commit.


Here's what you'll see, using template_db as an example:

 "Invalid column(s) found in source data: {'geometry', 'wkb_geomet', "
 "Column(s) missing from source data: {'the_geom'}."]
 'Column bbl contains 218 invalid record(s), for example: None']
 "Invalid column(s) found in source data: {'geometry', 'wkb_geomet', "
 "Column(s) missing from source data: {'the_geom'}."]
 'Column bbl contains 2372 invalid record(s), for example: None']
damonmcc commented 1 month ago

awesome! left comments on a couple small things