NYCPlanning / data-engineering

Primary repository for NYC DCP's Data Engineering team
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FacDB potential enhancement by incorporating LiveXYZ data #837

Open AmandaDoyle opened 1 month ago

AmandaDoyle commented 1 month ago

DCP has access to LiveXYZ data. Lynn flagged that the LiveXYZ has secondary school locations (i.e. the annex of a school), which FacDB does not have, but it'd be useful if it did have. This is not an urgent request nor should we just go ahead and make this enhancement; I'm opening an issue to make sure this information is logged. If we do move this forward, next steps would be to evaluate the LiveXYZ data and confirm secondary locations are in the LiveXYZ data and not in FacDB, and that we can incorporate LiveXYZ into FacDB and make it public.