NYCPlanning / data-engineering

Primary repository for NYC DCP's Data Engineering team
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Opendata: Automate Push - Second Batch #938

Open alexrichey opened 4 days ago

alexrichey commented 4 days ago

May Open Data (Automate and Distribute)

Other (Just Automate, don't distribute)

👆 This would get us to approx 80% done, meeting our quarterly goal.

fvankrieken commented 4 days ago

I'll take housing!

@alexrichey housing actually seems up-to-date in bytes, I might wait until we get 24Q2 built to actually package and get things pushed. But metadata files at least have been made

alexrichey commented 4 days ago

@sf-dcp Do you want to take POPs? Looking at it, and it's fairly straightforward.

damonmcc commented 3 days ago

I'll do ZTL

alexrichey commented 2 days ago

I'll take housing!

@alexrichey housing actually seems up-to-date in bytes, I might wait until we get 24Q2 built to actually package and get things pushed. But metadata files at least have been made

@fvankrieken Gotcha. Are the metadata files checked in somewhere?