NYCPlanning / db-housing

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Add "mixed_use_flag" field to database #19

Closed AmandaEyer closed 6 years ago

AmandaEyer commented 6 years ago

the job description field can help determine whether a building is mixed use or not. Please add an additional field to the database, which is filled based on content in job_description field. This would be a binary field, meaning that a record is flagged for possibly being mixed use. (don't care what the field is called. "mixed_use_flag" is just a suggestion.)

Please flag: Records where job_description LIKE '%MIX%'; or Records where job_description contains both '%RESID%' AND '%COMM%'; or Records where job_description contains both '%RESID%' AND '%HOTEL%'; or Records where job_description contains both '%RESID%' AND '%RETAIL%'; or

AmandaDoyle commented 6 years ago

Added x_mixeduse field in create.sql and created mixeduseflag.sql to populate x_mixeduse with true value if it meets the parameters specified above

AmandaEyer commented 6 years ago

This also hasn't seemed to work?