I could not find any explicit dokku docs on if listing multiple workers in the Procfile was allowed, but from their explanation of the implementation it should be fine. Alternative workaround would be to have one worker with the command "node scripts/refresh-materialized-views.js && node scripts/trigger-new-filed-projects-update.js"; if anyone has a strong opinion for one vs the other please mention it. I think this way looks clear, but it does add more overhead (each worker will get it's own docker container)
I could not find any explicit dokku docs on if listing multiple workers in the Procfile was allowed, but from their explanation of the implementation it should be fine. Alternative workaround would be to have one worker with the command "node scripts/refresh-materialized-views.js && node scripts/trigger-new-filed-projects-update.js"; if anyone has a strong opinion for one vs the other please mention it. I think this way looks clear, but it does add more overhead (each worker will get it's own docker container)