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ZAP: ZAP Roadmap #19

Open damonmcc opened 1 month ago

damonmcc commented 1 month ago

PDF of project description in SharePoint. This document is the result of the "intake form" DCP's Planning Support team used to request this project.


Current Stage: User Research and Ideation

For more info on user research stage, refer to Goals for Design - Research & Ideation comment and ZAP Proposal git issue

jessicashanshanhuang commented 1 month ago



jessicashanshanhuang commented 1 month ago


go to page 52

  1. PROVIDE NOTICE OF LAND USE APPLICATIONS TO PUBLIC LISTSERVS Owner Agency: Department of City Planning (DCP); Implementation Mechanism: City agency operational change – Internal Processes / New Initiatives / Staffing Description: DCP will add a feature to the Zoning Application Portal to allow anyone to subscribe to automatic notices for relevant alerts in a particular area. DCP will investigate the use of including SMS notifications as well as email notifications. Notifications will be sent when an application is filed within the subscribed Community District.
jessicashanshanhuang commented 1 month ago

notes from intake:

The tool's design should be lightweight and quickly deployable ... there are no specific expectations for the design of the feature

Currently, updates are available on ZAP Search for the public. However, users must go to the website and search for specific projects. Updates may be confusing to find and are not automatically sent to interested members of the public.

  • Purpose of this project is to provide clarity of public facing documents and improve public participation in the land use process

Objectives to Consider

Success Criteria

jessicashanshanhuang commented 1 month ago

Timeline to note:

· On 07/01/24, which is the start of sprint N, AE will start development

· By 09/01/24 AE will have a LISTERV available for user testing

· By 09/30/24 AE will deploy the LISTERV with the functionality described above to the public

deadlines are subject to change

jessicashanshanhuang commented 1 month ago

Current Stage: Working on proposal check-in due Tuesday July 9th

Goals for Design (Research and Ideation Phase):

Proposal deadline is Tuesday July 9th.

damonmcc commented 4 weeks ago

figma files with ZAP-related user research

jessicashanshanhuang commented 4 weeks ago

Goal for the notes: just taking anything related to ZAP into here

notes dump from ITD Project Portfolio / Synthesis & Affinity Mapping:


jessicashanshanhuang commented 3 weeks ago

notes from BLAST


Key Improvements from CEQR to highlight:

Streamline and update the present CEQR process to produce information that’s more useful to the public and decision-makers, as well as reduce the time and cost of CEQR review.

Maintain and improve the public’s opportunity for meaningful participation in land use processes by providing better notice to the public

Potential Stakeholders: DCP - City Planning Commission , Community Boards, the Borough Presidents, the Borough Boards, the City Council and the Mayor

other places to look into: City of Yes initiative, the Zoning Resolution, ULURP, NEPA

TLDR: Point 62 stems from one of CEQR's goals to improve public's access to meaningful participation.

jessicashanshanhuang commented 3 weeks ago

DCP Application Process notes:

What is the DCP Application Process?

The DCP app process is to propose changes such as:

Overall three stages: Pre-certification, Preparation and Filing, ULURP


Applicants schedule an Informational Meeting with DCP and submit a PAS before the reviews (Pre-Application Statement).

After PAS, a Lead Planner will contact receipt of PAS. An Interdivisional Meeting may be schedule if necessary otherwise approved.

Two parallel reviews happen concurrently here:

Preparation and Filing

DCP will only review draft for land use once and feedback or schedule a meeting will commence, after applicant is guided to file when ready.

Once in filing, it is under DCP review, it must be determined that the pre-certification process is complete and correct.


Certification CPC has filed and certified application -> certified apps are sent within 9 days to affect Community Board (CB), Borough President (BP), and if appropriate, Borough Board (BB).

CB Review CB has 60 days to:

If CB fails or waives its right to act, app proceeds to next step

BP Review Within 30 days of CB recommendation or if CB fails to act, within 30 days of expiration of the CB review period, BP should submit a written recommendation to CPC. If BP fails to act within time limit, app proceeds to CPC.

CPC Review CPC is pretty much final step of approval unless CC or Mayor review is prompted. Within 60 days of BP's review period, CPC must hold a public hearing and make a decision. CPC hearing are held twice a month on Wednesdays.

wndyli commented 3 weeks ago


Questions answered with during our meeting with Anvy and Stephen

wndyli commented 3 weeks ago

thoughts about zap in general (not related to listserv):

wndyli commented 3 weeks ago

06/26 meeting notes: slide deck

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 4 14 57 PM Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 4 19 10 PM

questions & answers:

q: do you have prefs for the time of milestone changing to notification going out? a: ideally in real time but they're flexible. in zap search, what's edited on back end is automatically updated in front end. but the backend is built by a diff team so ae is not too familiar

q: are milestones linear? a: mostly yes. there's no undoing something that's been filed

q: can you clarify the language? a: listserv is a software for sending emails

q: it stated that everyone should have the ability to subscribe to get notified, is our core audience majority applicants or does it also include the parties involved in the reviews process? a: anyone, a member of public, someone who is the applicant, etc.

q: at what stages of the application process should users be notified of the updates for an mvp? (giving us a baseline of what is an absolute necessary) a: all of them, at least when it was filed is mvp

q: should the email notif look like what it appears on zap status? a: zap status itself isn't that clear, but we don't know how much general public understands about a status. we should assume that ppl who sign up don't know what the statuses are. fully jargon-free, public-facing, so people in neighbors understand what's happening

q: can you define filed more specifically? a: refers to land use application, the point at which they submit an application in zap determine to be public facing, pay a fee

q: how often does an application include more than one cd? a: not always, but most of the time. depends on who's applying for it, but by volume, vast majority are one

jessicashanshanhuang commented 3 weeks ago

other things to note from our meeting with anvy and stephen:

TylerMatteo commented 2 weeks ago

q: can you define filed more specifically? a: refers to land use application, the point at which they submit an application in zap determine to be public facing, pay a fee

It's a great start to get descriptions of words like "filed" as PS understand them, but something we'll have to get at is what specific changes to the underlying data in ZAP should trigger a change. That is to say, which entities and fields of those entities in the database should trigger notifications when there is a change or new row. I can definitely help with that, and there are folks on PS and other teams we can tap who are familiar with the underlying data structure.

TylerMatteo commented 1 week ago

I made a more detailed project plan in figjam here. This is more detailed than the "project plan" I'm planning to present at the kick off - it's really just to help me brainstorm breaking down the work and mapping out dependencies.