NYCPlanning / labs-applicantmaps

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Major Issue with map not showing correct zoning district/district boundaries. #579

Closed vvvo closed 4 years ago

vvvo commented 4 years ago

The map I just made in queens shows inaccurate data.

See applicant map:

See accompanying zoning sectional map for reference: Zoning Sectional Map_Zoomed In.pdf

allthesignals commented 4 years ago

Thanks @vvvo — I'm sorry but what is missing from the applicant map link? Is the data current on ZoLa? Do you think the data is outdated?

vvvo commented 4 years ago

I think the applicant map data might be outdated - it's missing R7A, R7X, & R3-2 (which is correctly shown in ZoLa map below. Missing Data

allthesignals commented 4 years ago

That's @vvvo, that's very helpful.

This may be pointing to outdated data.

@hannahkates do you have any insight here?

SQL query is consistent across:

SELECT cartodb_id AS id, * FROM (SELECT the_geom_webmercator, zonedist, CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(zonedist, 3, 1) = '-' THEN LEFT(zonedist, 2) WHEN SUBSTRING(zonedist, 3, 1) ~ E'[A-Z]' THEN LEFT(zonedist, 2) WHEN SUBSTRING(zonedist, 3, 1) ~ E'[0-9]' THEN LEFT(zonedist, 3) ELSE zonedist END as primaryzone, cartodb_id FROM zoning_districts) a

That said, ZoLa points to and Applicant Maps points to

This may be the source of the issue. I'll dig in a bit more.

allthesignals commented 4 years ago

Scratch all that, this is why:

It is pointing to an outdated version of zoning! Will push a fix asap.

allthesignals commented 4 years ago
Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 2 40 38 PM

Confirming that the deploy preview of my patch shows the updated zoning geometries. @vvvo does this look right? We'll try to get this deployed ASAP.

I believe you can "refresh" by going in and visiting the rezoning step.

allthesignals commented 4 years ago

@vvvo wanted to follow up on this

vvvo commented 4 years ago

Yep looks right. Thanks Matt!

vvvo commented 4 years ago

Hey @allthesignals , I'm trying to redo this map again and the same issue is popping up (map showing old zoning districts).

allthesignals commented 4 years ago

@vvvo sorry about that i think we need to deploy the new code