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[2018-02-13] Runway overrun #44

Closed fables-tales closed 6 years ago

fables-tales commented 6 years ago

@snuggs asked me to file this issue for my talk :)

dmitrinesterenko commented 6 years ago

@samphippen great first step. Can you add an abstract of your talk ala the example here


You are set to present on 02/13?

fables-tales commented 6 years ago

@dmitrinesterenko totally up for 02/13


Like it or not, failures in our production systems are inevitable. When things go wrong it's important for us to understand what happened, and more importantly why. In this talk I'll share personal experience and an outsiders' story. You'll learn a little bit about blame, about systems thinking, and how we can all get better at managing our failures.


Sam Phippen is a Senior Engineer at DigitalOcean. He comes to the table with enthusiasm, and a great deal of love for the Ruby community. He fights for the forces of justice as a member of the RSpec core team. He's sad that he can't hug every cat.

dstphantom commented 6 years ago

@samphippen Thanks for uploading the talk and adding the abstract. We may need to push until March to have the second presenter confirmed @dmitrinesterenko.

fables-tales commented 6 years ago

Can I get a confirmation on whether or not this is happening tomorrow?

dmitrinesterenko commented 6 years ago

@samphippen uploaded video of the talk