NYPL-Simplified / webpub-viewer

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Add manifest to HTML #136

Open HadrienGardeur opened 7 years ago

HadrienGardeur commented 7 years ago

Now that the JSON-LD context has a proper HTTP redirect (http://readium.org/webpub/default.jsonld) it would be good to inject the manifest in the HTML page for the viewer using <script type="application/ld+json"> to test if this works properly with search engines.

danielweck commented 7 years ago

For the sake of argument, could this JSON-LD link also be added to the "landing page" of each r2-streamer-js publication? For example: https://readium2.herokuapp.com/pub/L2FwcC9jaGlsZHJlbnMtbGl0ZXJhdHVyZS5lcHVi/ I am not familiar with http://readium.org/webpub/default.jsonld so I don't actually now how to use it :) Tips welcome (documentation page?).

HadrienGardeur commented 7 years ago

The context should be added to each manifest outputted by the streamer.

If you'd like to test, try the example at the top of https://github.com/readium/webpub-manifest

You can try it at:

I've also published a few outputs (using N3) before at: https://gist.github.com/HadrienGardeur/03ab96f5770b0512233a

danielweck commented 7 years ago

Great thanks. I added the @context property with URI http://readium.org/webpub/default.jsonld to the generated manifest.json in r2-streamer-js.

danielweck commented 7 years ago

I also added <script type="application/ld+json" href="URL_manifest.json"></script> to html > head in the "landing" page that r2-streamer-js generates to pretty-print the webpub manifest JSON.