NYPL-discovery / discovery-models

Data models, documentation, and discussion for Discovery project data
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Re-map call number #23

Closed saverkamp closed 7 years ago

saverkamp commented 8 years ago

Call number (nypl:shelfmark) is currently mapped from a sierra convenience field, but much of this data includes the subfield label. We should instead map this from the 852 $h field for NYPL and all partner data.

Updated documentation at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RtDxIpzcCrVqJqUjmMGkn8n2hX3BZVN9QvbB1HRgx1c/edit#gid=0

thisismattmiller commented 8 years ago

It should probably go convenience field first, then 852, sometimes it is not in 852 but somehow made it into the convenience field.

thisismattmiller commented 8 years ago

Just strip out |h from the convenience field.