NYPL-discovery / discovery-models

Data models, documentation, and discussion for Discovery project data
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Serialize bound-with bibs/items #46

Open saverkamp opened 7 years ago

saverkamp commented 7 years ago

"Bound-with" items are single items that contain multiple works (represented by multiple bib records).

When multiple bibs are represented in one item (bound or bundled together), create an instance of an NYPL resource for each bib (usually nypl:Item) and one instance typed bf:Item for the physical item. Relate the parent resources to the item with a bf:hasItem on each resource and a bf:itemOf property on the item for each related bib. Bib types: nypl:Item/nypl:Collection, bf:Work subclass (TBD) Bib properties: all applicable properties associated with bf:Work; bf:hasItem property for each child item instance.

Item types: bf:Item Item properties: all applicable properties associated with bf:Item; bf:itemOf properties pointing to each related bib resource.

Example available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pc_ctAkOszOkaHT8giLgzYFUknmyN1q0wuXgQ9I8ukY/edit#

NOTE that with some bound-with items, call numbers are not available in the item. If the item is missing callnumber or 852, you will need to get the call number(s) from the bibs. There may be instances where there are slightly different call numbers on each bib. (Not sure what this looks like on the actual physical item...)