NYPL-discovery / discovery-models

Data models, documentation, and discussion for Discovery project data
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Data mapping loose ends #47

Closed saverkamp closed 7 years ago

saverkamp commented 7 years ago

@saverkamp, @nonword, @thisismattmiller, and @beefoo met to review beta data mappings and tie up loose serialization ends. This is a list of outstanding issues and things to double-check:

Feel free to break any of these out into separate issues.

saverkamp commented 7 years ago

re: prefLabel for serial volumes, here are two options. 1) call number (852 $h) + fieldtag v (what we talked about doing): MQA (Industrial architecture) v. 3 (1960)

2) Bib title + fieldtag v (maybe a little nicer looking, but probably unnecessary: Industrial architecture. v. 3 (1960)

Developers' choice! I don't have a preference. It's quite possible option 2 could get quite lengthy and make for ugly display, so sticking with option 1 may be the way to go.

saverkamp commented 7 years ago

re: Private note fields, Abdul says we should suppress 541 and 561 if first indicator (ind1) is 0. I've added this info to the mapping documentation.

nonword commented 7 years ago

Given how the front-end is using this data, I think it best to go with option 1 for serial item prefLabel:

call number (852 $h) + fieldtag v

Is there a different set of rules for other catalogitemtypes? For now I'll just copy shelfMark to prefLabel for all.

nonword commented 7 years ago

oclc and dcterms:created are covered elsewhere, so closing this.

saverkamp commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I missed your comment. I don't think we'll have different rules for different catalogitemtypes. Based on feedback from the demo, we might have another MARC field we need to check for, but I still need to look into that.