NYPL / catalog_of_copyright_entries_project

NYPL Project to transcribe and parse pages from the US Catalog of Copyright Entries
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querying VIAF for name authorities #28

Open alexduryee opened 6 years ago

alexduryee commented 6 years ago

The following VIAF search endpoint ought to return the correct name entity, based on the author name and work title:

http://www.viaf.org/viaf/search?query=local.names+all+"Cuthbert, Margaret"+and+local.title+all+"Adventure in radio"&maximumRecords=5&httpAccept=application/json

Adjust parameters to taste.

I tried this against some of the entries in basic.xml, and the query returned either 1 LC entity or 0 (if no name was present). Bunt, James isn't in the LCNAF, so he has no VIAF entry.

seanredmond commented 6 years ago

Very cool, @alexduryee. Thanks!