I believe there's a bug in the loops step: I get the following error
Error: Can't open genome file */__14a-loops/inputs/genomes/dm6/genome/bowtie2.index/genome.fa.fai Exiting...
The correct path is */__14a-loops/inputs/genomes/dm6/bowtie2.index/genome.fa.fai so I'm assuming the code points to an incorrect genome file location, I tried finding where rapidly but did not...
I believe there's a bug in the loops step: I get the following error Error: Can't open genome file */__14a-loops/inputs/genomes/dm6/genome/bowtie2.index/genome.fa.fai Exiting...
The correct path is */__14a-loops/inputs/genomes/dm6/bowtie2.index/genome.fa.fai so I'm assuming the code points to an incorrect genome file location, I tried finding where rapidly but did not...