NYU-DevOps-Charlie-CSCI-GA-3033-013 / products

Product Team for CSCI-GA.3033-013
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Add Code Coverage Support #36

Closed ephraimrosenfeld closed 7 years ago

ephraimrosenfeld commented 7 years ago

As a software developer

I need a mechanism to tell how much of my code-base is accounted for by my unit tests and integration tests

So that I can take accountability for the code-base of my project


  1. Code coverage will be handled by the coverage and nosetest frameworks
  2. A codecov badge will be used to display the percentage of code covered by unit tests

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The coverage and nosetest dependencies must be added to the platform files (i.e. for Vagrant and Travis CI)
  2. The coverage and/or nosetest must run successfully on Travis CI
  3. The project must be integrated with codecov and accessible at the following URL: https://codecov.io/gh/NYU-DevOps-Charlie-CSCI-GA-3033-013/products.
  4. A codecov badge should be added to the README.md file