NYUDataBootcamp / Materials

Materials used in class when teaching Data Bootcamp at NYU Stern.
MIT License
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comtrade expors #4

Open sglyon opened 8 years ago

sglyon commented 8 years ago

gif of world which shades colors over time according to their net exports using UN comtrade data

Can get from enigma.io -- dataset

ref #2

cc7768 commented 7 years ago

Hey @danielcsaba @szokeb87, could one of you create an example of this. I don't think it will be too difficult to create a working notebook -- Much of it will roughly look like what Spencer did with rainfall in his plotly notebook

danielcsaba commented 7 years ago

Hey @cc7768, I'm sorry for the late reply. Sure! Is there a deadline for this? I will have to do a little catching up

cc7768 commented 7 years ago

No specific deadline in mind -- Though if it isn't too much trouble it would be nice to have an example we could show in class sometime in next month and a half or so.