NYUDevOpsPayments / payments

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Create models.py #8

Open gamemaker007 opened 6 years ago

gamemaker007 commented 6 years ago

As a developer I need models.py So that i can define the model definitions of my resource


Acceptance Criteria:

Given the three inputs
Then model is instantiated.
gamemaker007 commented 6 years ago

Are these three attributes enough for the MVP?

ppeirce commented 6 years ago

How should we handle multiple payment types? Different processes for credit/debit vs PayPal, etc

Willian-Zhang commented 6 years ago


jimmyahacker commented 6 years ago

For the constructor part, do we mean that we need a function to initialize the model/database?

Willian-Zhang commented 6 years ago

Suggestion for naming in DB

     "name": string,
     "card": string,
     "exp": {
        "mm": number,
        "yy": number,
     "cvv": number,
     "id": number,
jimmyahacker commented 6 years ago

I think creating models.py is one person's task but the naming scheme for the database, like what name should we use for Credit/Debit card Number in database, should be decided by all of us?