NYUMusEdLab / notio

Notio - A music theory learning React App that runs in the browser
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#1 Better visibility for notation #245

Closed ceciliabjork closed 1 year ago

ceciliabjork commented 1 year ago

Maybe compensate for smaller font size by adding saturation/colour for note names, scale degrees etc. Especially on a large screen (with projector) the names are not well visiblt

saxjax commented 1 year ago

I tweaked it in this branch: notation_visibility

saxjax commented 1 year ago

PR: https://github.com/NYUMusEdLab/notio/pull/272

solution: https://deploy-preview-272--notio-novia-fi.netlify.app/ test readability by setting to chromatic and pressing the number keys 1-9

saxjax commented 1 year ago

tweaked fontsize and weight and white outline: https://deploy-preview-272--notio-novia-fi.netlify.app/