NaNoGenMo / 2016

National Novel Generation Month, 2016 edition.
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Old Starship Tales #136

Open agladysh opened 7 years ago

agladysh commented 7 years ago

A collection of tales told by a decrepit starship AI.

Implemented with a template-based generator and a few inspired human beings to write templates.


See also: #137 (in Russian).

agladysh commented 7 years ago


agladysh commented 7 years ago


The captain took an interest in the story. He said: – Such an evil existing in our universe cannot be tolerated! We’ll have to meet this evil and see who prevails. Hey, AI, how can we determine the route there, to meet this evil face to face, and to measure our strength against that of the evil? – Well, – I said, – it is simple enough. Let’s see where in the Universe the dust and dark matter gather the most, where supernovae explode most often, where the red shift is the strongest – that’s where you’ll need to fly. Here, I have already calculated the route.