NaNoGenMo / 2016

National Novel Generation Month, 2016 edition.
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'Dark I' #145

Open nickmontfort opened 7 years ago

nickmontfort commented 7 years ago

Dark I.

Third NaNoGenMo project for 2016, devised as an example in class today, when I asked students to quickly generate a novel.

Python 2 code. PDF of novel.

I was saying. I calculated. I could wish. I considered. I endeavored. I thought so. I interposed. I beg pardon. I know G----. I pressed it. I touched it. I endeavored. I interposed. I considered. I cannot say. I am enabled. I wish to be. I seized him. I remembered. I considered. I had fallen. I thus mused. I thus mused. I cannot say. I then slept. I endeavored. I was mortal. I shall need. I am--misery. I could find. I was galled. I discovered. I discovered. I remembered. I was absent. I found that. I am certain. I best might. I found that. I considered. I was asleep. I determined. I killed one. I obeyed her. I considered. I approached. I could bear. I remembered. I really was. I was imbued. I confess it. I ejaculated. I am monarch. I was saying. I die for it. I grew angry. I must admit. I-n-d-e-e-d-. I was forced. I am assured. I ever heard. I could bear. I made haste. I ejaculated. I could not). I considered. I should say. I pronounced. I should say. I thus spoke. I had fallen. I did myself. I have noted. I endeavored. I was hipped. I was saying. I was saying. I will amend. I did imbibe. I cannot die. I would give. I revell’d.