NaNoGenMo / 2016

National Novel Generation Month, 2016 edition.
162 stars 7 forks source link

Ciphered Short Stories #29

Closed willf closed 2 years ago

willf commented 7 years ago

Since I've recently joined GitHub, I think it might be interesting to tail the activity log and either generate a screen play or short chapters based on them. PERHAPS ON THE NANOGENMO REPOS THEMSELVES.

MichaelPaulukonis commented 7 years ago

Prior Art that is woefully incomplete, and taking a somewhat diffferent tack.

I should really finish this - I particularly want to be able to extract more data like languages used, etc.

willf commented 7 years ago

Thanks @MichaelPaulukonis Still pondering ...

willf commented 7 years ago

Well, I didn't write the Great American GitHub novel, but I did do something that was a lot of fun:

twenty-six: simply ciphered classic shorts at my NaNoGenMo-2016 repo.

willf commented 7 years ago

@MichaelPaulukonis You can mark this as completed and with preview available.

hugovk commented 7 years ago

@willf Congrats and labelled! I like it! I also had problems trying to find something that could save Unicode emoji to PDF, I'l try out Apple's Pages too.

The preview label means there's a preview shown in the issue, without having to click through. So:

The Tell-Tale Heart is a classic Poe story, first published in 1843. The text used here is from Project Gutenberg. The cipher is between the five vowels and various Unicode heart emojis.

Tr♥❤!—n❤rv☙♥s—v❤ry, v❤ry dr❤❦df♥lly n❤rv☙♥s ❧ h❦d b❤❤n ❦nd ❦m; b♥t why w❧ll y☙♥ s❦y th❦t ❧ ❦m m❦d? Th❤ d❧s❤❦s❤ h❦d sh❦rp❤n❤d my s❤ns❤s—n☙t d❤str☙y❤d —n☙t d♥ll❤d th❤m. ❦b☙v❤ ❦ll w❦s th❤ s❤ns❤ ☙f h❤❦r❧ng ❦c♥t❤. ❧ h❤❦rd ❦ll th❧ngs ❧n th❤ h❤❦v❤n ❦nd ❧n th❤ ❤❦rth. ❧ h❤❦rd m❦ny th❧ngs ❧n h❤ll. H☙w, th❤ n, ❦m ❧ m❦d? H❤❦rk❤n! ❦nd ☙bs❤rv❤ h☙w h❤❦lth❧ly—h☙w c❦lmly ❧ c❦n t❤ll y☙♥ th ❤ wh☙l❤ st☙ry.

willf commented 7 years ago

Thanks, @hugovk – and thanks to all the tender carers.