NaNoGenMo / 2016

National Novel Generation Month, 2016 edition.
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Multiverse Crime Generator 2016 #50

Open uristjack opened 7 years ago

uristjack commented 7 years ago

I am planning on participating! Yeah!

I'm going with a story compiler approach, as originally come up with by cpressey.

I am going to go with crimes. I have twelve so far - those remarked upon by Italo Calvino in his essay "Prose and Anticombinatorics". I'm probably going to add more.

The approach will go like so - plot generated, events generated, necessary amount of characters generated (murder crimes remove characters), assign actors and victims to these crimes, and then generate the sentences related to these stories.

uristjack commented 7 years ago

I've got 15 crimes altogether.

Also, I have a repository for it here: Crime Write - My NaNoGenMo2016.

uristjack commented 7 years ago

OK, so I have a plan.

Here's the structure:

If I can create a complicated enough plot I figure 50k words should be easy!

uristjack commented 7 years ago

I can't figure out how to generate random characters, and keep them consistent. Rather than doing what I should do, and be intelligent and figure out the problem, I'm going to reframe the situation - which means no problem!

Since each of my crimes have two characters - an aggressor and a victim - I can merely say that this is a multiverse, where in each universe a different crime occurs. So in Universe 1, John shoots Jane, in Universe 2, he stabs her instead, etc. etc.

uristjack commented 7 years ago

OK, So I have finished my second part of my story compiler.

It takes the event template (AKA the plot) generated by, and turns them into paragraph templates, filled with placeholder sentences. The next program I need to create is something that turns these placeholders into sentence templates. And after that, I need to take the sentence templates and generate sentences from them. In LaTeX output, so I can automatically turn it into a nice looking PDF.

uristjack commented 7 years ago

HAHAHA I'm finished!

That final stretch was quite painful - considering I decided the best thing to do was code the largest part of the generator in three days.

But I'm done. I have a PDF example here, at ~73k words. I'm pretty pleased with this, myself!