NaNoGenMo / 2016

National Novel Generation Month, 2016 edition.
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If on a winter's night a library cardholder #58

Open robincamille opened 7 years ago

robincamille commented 7 years ago

Declaring my intention to participate in NaNoGenMo! Tentative project title: If on a winter's night a library cardholder.

I've been meaning to take part in NaNoGenMo since 2013. This year's the year.

ikarth commented 7 years ago

Points for the name.

robincamille commented 7 years ago



Status: In progress. Rough draft done, just fiddly formatting things left to do, mostly.

michelleful commented 7 years ago

This was great! Using excerpts was a great idea and the ending was very satisfying. BTW (I didn't look at the code) -- the books weren't all red in real life, were they?

robincamille commented 7 years ago

No, that was just creative license 😃 Thanks for the kind remarks!

robincamille commented 7 years ago

Status: complete!

I also had a hardback book printed from one of the novel's many outputs: ifonawinters4

greg-kennedy commented 6 years ago

Reviewing past entries (it's that time again!) and ran across yours. I love this. Great use of the format and a lot of fun.