NaNoGenMo / 2016

National Novel Generation Month, 2016 edition.
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Entry: Mountaineering something-or-other #74

Closed pointyointment closed 7 years ago

pointyointment commented 7 years ago

Quick links: guided mountain generator WIP repo here, story generator WIP repo here

/r/proceduralgeneration's monthly challenge for this month is to generate mountains. So I plan to start with that, either by evolving heightmaps from random noise toward some criteria, or by using WaveFunctionCollapse. (I'd use Python, but there's no WFC port for Python yet. There is one for Kotlin, however, which provides WFC to all JVM languages, and I'm trying to learn Clojure, so if I generate the mountains using WFC, I'll likely use Clojure for that part.)

Then, once I have mountains, I intend to generate stories about them. I'm currently envisioning simulating various people with different backgrounds and goals climbing the mountains and possibly interacting (or just seeing evidence of the previous climbers having been there), and writing their stories. That part will most likely be in Python.

pointyointment commented 7 years ago

I had been thinking I'd rather not use a story compiler approach because I want my characters to be goal-driven but not bound to reach their goals. So I might use something like @enkiv2's "Goal-driven use of scenes and sequels for capers" for that. But I realized that once I've de that, I might end up with a story tree, and then maybe the later story compiler stages (converting to text) would be applicable.

pointyointment commented 7 years ago

I came up with another mountain generation idea: Take points defining the shape of the mountain range. Generate tree shapes extending out from those points. Push the points upward 'conically'. Voila, mountain shapes. I'm going to try this here.

pointyointment commented 7 years ago

I got too busy with school and didn't get any more work done on this. Maybe I'll finish it next year or some other time.