NaNoGenMo / 2016

National Novel Generation Month, 2016 edition.
162 stars 7 forks source link

Joy of the Pearl #80

Closed caramelomartins closed 7 years ago

caramelomartins commented 7 years ago

I'm going to participate this year, still not sure what I'm going to do. Maybe that's a title after all.

caramelomartins commented 7 years ago

November 6th

OK, since this is my first attempt to do anything similar to this, I'll just start with something simple.

Title: Joy of the Pearl Programming Language: Perl Text Language: English

I decided to go with Perl because it has been quite some time since I have used it and I'll like to give it a try again with a different approach.

I still have to decide on what to do with it.

Here's the repo.

caramelomartins commented 7 years ago

November 12th

The main idea behind was to produce a novel using the Perl programming language without making an insanely complex solution. It should be relatively straightforward.

The novel has one main and only character named Joy. Joy discovers a pearl.

From that starting point the novel is developed as randomly as possible as a stream of consciousness type of narrative, almost a philosophical approach to the whole thing.

After Joy finds the pearl, she will describe the pearl and reflect on it (usually by describing it). She will keep moving and discovering new objects.

A new section of the novel will be generated randomly whenever Joy describes n objects. n being dynamically defined at the beginning of each topic from a number between 1 and 100.

Each section will be named after a randomly selected writer with it's named chopped and transformed. A quote from said writer appears in the beginning of each topic.

The synopsis will be the first generated paragraph.

And that's just it.

caramelomartins commented 7 years ago

Not going to complete it, unfortunately.