NaNoGenMo / 2017

National Novel Generation Month, 2017 edition.
185 stars 7 forks source link

B-9 indifference #100

Open eoinnoble opened 6 years ago

eoinnoble commented 6 years ago

Novel generated using Markov chains modelled off of Star Trek: The Next Generation scripts.

eoinnoble commented 6 years ago


Output can be found here. Repo can be found here.

Some sample output: 42532.1 RIKER: Captain Picard, this is the USS Enterprise. I’m sorry, Worf… but I can’t help you – I don’t know who any of you are. Give us everything you can to get them out of there, Mister O’Brien… We’re fine tuned enough to see your parents, that’s your business… but we don’t get in that thing, I guarantee you won’t either. Picard, Riker and Troi  move toward the turbolift… Riker passes Geordi and Picard… GEORDI: Under normal circumstances, we could divert that  field energy and use it to simulate the pulse sent by the shuttle.

PICARD: Nevertheless, you will obey every order you’re given and you will not profit by them. If I can boost the output field, I might be able to knock it off-line with a single shot… Firing… TROI: He’s concealing something and it’s more than just a role to you. Captain, I just want to voice my concerns about the way the change in command is affecting the crew. Commander Riker and I are two separate individuals. You have no idea how frightening it is for me to accept that there’s a reality out there where you never loved me…

Beverly suddenly reacts to something he sees, stands… Kurn pauses, glances threateningly back at Riker – he gets the hint. BEVERLY: … And I’m going to skip it today. Up to that moment, you were the reason he and Deanna never got together. It may be true that headaches were once quite common… but this was in the middle of writing a cook book when she died. TROI: But believe me, she doesn’t want to stay in my quarters. But you will need me if you have any idea why Hedril would make my mother your step-mother. I think it is trying to bring it all into focus. Troi and Worf are at their stations; Data relieves the supernumerary at Ops, examines readouts. RIKER: The preparation for the mission… the play… they were all sucked out into space.. He walks warily out of the engine core. A beat as the crew watches him.

TROI: I want you to start a new piece… I’d like you to talk about things they want to reveal. Tasha, duty always, steps forward and grabs the fallen singer’s BAT’LETH. In the background, the bed is violently shaken underneath her. Picard gives them a reassuring smile and moves away… Timicin sighs, gets out of bed. PICARD: I do, Mister Data… and our job is to find out what it is or where it comes from? Mister Riker, set a course for the site of the first tests of this new technology. Do you know how to operate this vessel. We can see on his face is thoughtful, reflective, not in pain. WESLEY: For a second there, I thought I wanted to be by myself, but I guess you could say I’m a little… troubled. No one is going to be fine… I don’t have to find my own path. She is sitting down at his left arm and grabs it, as if he’s talking to himself – he’s practicing a speech. Worf reacts, surprised, but before he can answer, Alexandra BURSTS INTO the room, Troi CLOSE BEHIND him. Wesley makes an adjustment to his circuitry.

hugovk commented 6 years ago

Good stuff, especially the formatting!

(Tip: if you enable GitHub Pages for master in your repo settings, you can have the html served at something like

(Edit: I see that's already been done! :)

eoinnoble commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I was just about to try that, but need to fix certs on the hosting for my fonts first…

hugovk commented 6 years ago

Reading some of this, even if it doesn't always make sense, each character definitely speaks in the right voice. It's a bit like having Star Trek on in the background!

eoinnoble commented 6 years ago

It's weird how well some of them have come through, Geordi sounds especially correct to me for some reason. Markovify won't ever suggest sentences that are a 100% match to a sentence in the source material, either.

lizadaly commented 6 years ago

I am so used to RNN garbage that I'd forgotten how good Markov output could be. I totally laughed at the Troi lines.