NaNoGenMo / 2017

National Novel Generation Month, 2017 edition.
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Departures and Arrivals #114

Open mathias opened 6 years ago

mathias commented 6 years ago

Code: Dev journal:

Procedurally-generating the stories of people passing through the LAX airport, with the help of some data.

mathias commented 6 years ago

Done now! Output: Code: Dev journal:

greg-kennedy commented 6 years ago

git mv departures.txt if you want to take advantage of Github's automatic Markdown styling.

These character sketches are cool, I'm impressed by your code though - it's very clean, especially for a NaNo : )

mathias commented 6 years ago

Thank you! The code feels like a soup of attributes to me, to be honest. Oh well. I will do better next time I try to write a procedural generator. I already have some ideas!

mathias commented 6 years ago

Updated to markdown file and linked to it above and in README. Plus linked back to here -- missed that in the README somehow, the first time.

mathias commented 6 years ago

I blogged some thoughts here