NaNoGenMo / 2017

National Novel Generation Month, 2017 edition.
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LSTM-based Leo Tolstoy text generator #128

Open Neverik opened 6 years ago

Neverik commented 6 years ago

Hello! I wrote a simple LSTM text generator with Python and Keras. I used Leo Tolstoy's War And Peace as the training data. I think that the results are pretty cool!

of the bridge. sometimes through the most who said began to the countess in the activity and are a left and in the strick for the possing in the very began to general the door began to all with the entrance of the such and the preat of the will be chance the countess known to the remained to the hussars and as a long a soldiers who was in the strange by the words on the order as the house under the eather and the enter as he continually on the first army with the offered the war her to pierre and wearing that who were a will have no, she looked to the entree to be at his something to his active to the ancest of one at his old go him in the commander the roasooc, the tone to the troops and the proping him. the whole cap to the prove and a wompase to the an old to the strange and the while again of the man to him as in the house was strange to him and the en but we in the in the staff accompliture to the activity of the moins of sering the foots and is napoleon and a love of the words her about the bring and the countess stranging the stretch after the emperor in the russian many pierre, but she looked to him to passed the past had been best and the tone, the trost fear of the face and man he would not be to the regiment of the bread of the in the emperor, and the rebeally who had no prince stretched and and the man and the old proble who had not glan to the princeword and was all in the same and the enemy to the countess to the event of the doun to the enter on the door and had at now face to the old bove the took the general how went to stark black look and stall the cannon looking to which said and he was now he was reply. in which leave to say and are and going to him to me to be the searse come to the atbary and the arrivel of the hrad was a still to the entrences of a blove and a look he did not see all officer strain of a lore in the countess you and bith, and all the that streets and everyone prince andrew and the tone of the same to stopped to the solling of the orressess of the there who every officer and the more and the cane of him her old greet, and with the old destrict the countess mikháynov and had no, prince vasíli lad a actor. the reasong to his hand that a riped the room of him. is we still be and the old man in the most her proce to the remain to her to the rest dear of the enemy’s countess been blume of the therry do not yet it was seen the semere and the old head to him to strange the sent of the really a past of the searse and stretch strecking the entree in the lay at the look of his stand her not a moling to her face to him along the train to the soldiers to petersburg by the look of his began to the princess and activity and all the words and the fire by the sound to the little confire as be knolled and the passing of the avoice and, as he wished the deared to a had nearly in the whole even assoje to the staying as place to his all him to feel and began to a confident and he had noing on the a lears what i was a capture house mary the struck and the old began to the strength of the great and we was that the ancrive who said against away and the entered by the place and the princeww and male in the lates of in the pose of the was the strang and and the in a which with prince who had been no dispations who was something with the field in a day and her with the conversation and in the works of a did not really and forget the all of falled to the instarks and strain the offer even the securt who was so but a present to him and all the captured and and a laid had novered that on the sofe and men as so and in the closed and as a tremmed to a russiagust and all the to cleal to the words and who was and to a strain and the seement in the rest did not at the searse had been began to the all the strange had not destrying the stark of praying, lad the world, and a proper for his one in the put it prince rast pressing the soldiers of a broom by the countess and a bear little of the all him which had been been and the treacing and am him to the contrary because the battle of a beal husband and the trest of the three stary of the other and a princewway he wished the prince wishold like to have known to be to the prince with a to man of blower for him to strecke to and it at the broage and he was in the evening with the army with please from the army were her look of the enter but and this stary when he was no pressing the proces of sempless to the time in the prince days of the conversation.

“then say, that is will a letter and wished to her stretch call close of the end of the men of the young the morning and always and the passing and sentune by the old began movent and in the smoke and every day. but was went to him he was and the look and out of the stark to rast of the letter who was she was a soull be look a face to the army of all man with a langer the would wished in the tone of the remind with that did not again even put to find and needed to her for the the horse in the love in the soldiers and wears and inspite of and clear the proble to the emperor who was she had been series at the face and back. the dim and head and a the astord and had no instanted to him that the order of the army and the rostóvs. the contrary in the only she asked to the other the love in the countess staring to the look and the prince, and so and in the called him down all which all him the princest with so did not atten prince go that a spoke and with her the actoned to a bear to have a good her pay and who was and was a little are spoking in the strengne of her the officer and the stark to the conversations of the army and prince prince mary as my relied to her activent and the lade of his over to him to the soldiers who rose and all which he was grees great to be look at the adores and the officer of the need of him to the whole bore to have been love to the stark to the moment of the pierre and on the voice who was no to be with the ladies of the strange destried she bring to the emperor was a strething of her about him to in the battle to one of the such and strain no tolls and the probosic in his pronous all were along her other and and before the face and he felt the present before the secret of the beak the stence of the countess and prince,” asked at the face and strange and and for the letterers passed the tenth who who are part a long a sound on the a laws to him, but the carriaged to the voice of the and stend, who was like all his past of the eash of a broble to the look of will have the straon in the princess mary seemed to the sofe moved as all staring the great was called him to his prince the soldiers who was seemed to him to for in a clear and the words and had been her by the late the dim had a reast had not let her a smile and so no, and that she now with him to love of boy it was no clear to be will have despitt to repeated up and the father and her and say his a smather with the day on the war in the actor of the attack of the prince and saying and the probant of which had been please on the man spread of the reparing him with the love on met him to pierre something to not to himself but it is he had been by the soldiers was you to the words, and the world and so in his old to her look and a street of the look fight of a long the prince who was surely with the houses of the complet to in the tron and her sinkle him to the stroble and a strangt, but in a something made to be a and to have been feel delition and pierre is the whole dear of the command of the prince close and even and he said to repeat to should be in the time and in the strock and some dear from the letter to the was to the stant!” and a great the brought at the activity was stood and all his man and struck of the thingh, and the stend that strike, on the prince and speace went on the whole shopped again of all that in a for the sides and in the look of the hands of the serfs that the troops in the said in her to the activity at the stark and the whole strecke to her as in her face and and the world with so and she was began to his war and as a husbands and a strained to present, and a way to made the count stark by the whole brought of the strangtment was always and in a a heard my were a briveres forge with now who was he wish to wear she was strange all the last and the events it is the soldiers was said began to the prince began to a woman and look and passed the clook and bity on all the laws for a long to began and all the street of officer will be man. in the virerch and a fear had no sent a beares. on the strain, and he was sexper of ladie of the order and all whispered the searse, and day personally and her broment to her om the face and as on a light with him by the came of the nother and the in the starking. the convirting to dispatter and the diver train, started to a ball of the very tried to the serfs of the pattle of all prince the look and prince and strange and in his alter and the count still prince and to his face you spoke of the door was needed as their carriage are the pierre had been a chappie of the man and to consiguen and a time to the seat to the best like the army in the starkle and talking to the diveriest and who was had a stand in the soldiers it to the hearing in the bright to the carriages and he would pattering him all were man had now as the maneruss to natásha had began to you a since did not let the old generally who are very before to the face and went looked him the stall of the would as if a man who had did not foot of with his a military going at the tall the words of the simples to have stand that the stanty and in the was man’s igicure and the face and already will not the sering stend rostóv, and the words to the transf-came to the their bore to the being rostopchur that the took of the advanticular to his long should be all prince to stending always a which all the voice and sami to no a order at the face she austriess to the think even that the sound to the horse, and in a stretched the first strange and has all prince struck to the cause and their head of the begin house about the trow who were no one of the present and head and we’ll, he were and still clear and as a rane for the potionation of the look and the emperor of the countess are again as the princeww who was to the activity to the repeated and and place to the inyounged to his hand in the a done him to several brought to the thand with a whole great in the right and the emperor of the really little before the entering all was she was closed to the emperor of the old man’s back to him and the tone of the starkle of the reason and stary the sive to would stend by the vicortlas in the countess with the attain these face to him and he wished to the cantra, and the look and which as from him to the moveness and you to the protect and a soldier her self-law and was place to make pertain and rostóv was strike the emperor who had person was find with the adjutant of the news of the prince and the will not to him as he wind his table and a find that is it is hurry and his way and as she streets pleasure to the prince mary pierre to the whole afraid approached all strecking to the even which all stretch in the law and all on the one and on the proboly father with the strain of the prince strength, and the entering at her head and all the order that the look and so straight to the count with the reason to him to him in the ward, and the proces prince pain on the old knew the horse of the hand of the divine to his been in the dirity and the village all the room and in the staught consider prince andrew to the princess who are clear the entrest of the hastor who had not go on the horse of the convicting with a strecess to merelves been sent, the words of the solen to the same better and the enter strecke with the enemy of the prince back of understand to in the great of a stretch the cannot as if a lorge on the entering and the recest of the wife at the present strange to see the enemy’s resting to hear the soldiers of the attain to the village to be to in the conwing of the same the hinder and he was looked that you and a fach and what he was no possing as mary the under on sol the great of the look and sound with the actival and and this face and had been by the astable of the impression of the army and sensed to her head on the face hearing of her and the countess was seemed the head of the thing and sent on a share and the army at the past and in the present. the head of the soveral and the world and to the conviets and the came to his the and the world in the world had no dessone in the emperor after did not for the streets and were repeated to fight of the very a ompow our tone in the field in the so to me to him again of the distoop with at pierre for the regiment to her talk of the side of so and had not desting fir stall passed the whole finds and who were always all single prince,” and no and in the stay and was all a strooth to a attent street of the man and the own no a sman to the strange and the words and the look ale at her passing that is one of the even side of this fifter of the little as you with the old from the would never when he was seemed to gave the dear who was the inclivent of the or the entaring to which inclives, and the subof the emperor every day to him at her air to and beside to her in the french forge a refirs himself and the face at prince look and the pierre, in the same and strecking a list. the strenger the emperor was so in the in the face and head and there would be to the divine to the streight were little who was went of heard to the rest to a find of the proble by the soldiers in the prince who was in the army, and the dirital to as street and was so as he stalled her prople starked to the distances and a love do it is the imact and to the even do the infining of the way the vale and the doors and the began her house who was to day for the serried to the strenghe to the even and he had not to the beat of the with to began in the stease with personal the same merely a clowened to his officer who came to my did on the emperor who was active and no much and the conviectle of what is a possing at the same prince and the world crowing in the late be in the whole dear of the man struck and all which as from the prince and had been letter with the houses at the important of the prince destrict to the secting of all called the vasves, the old be to had look a stooped to her pierre, and that i had been pass to a village of the did at the horses at the stopper and the strootle of the distance who wished to his ones case that he was stand of his tall fible, began to find and the old go the searss and with the very on the voice to the serfices of the long man and be to be varies and saying the face of the door of orders, the sound of the village of the blook of the would not men to into the bearred and this and to the starting who was even and accessing at the secretual fear with the rostóv was a strain and who had no one of the stark to in the emperor to the words, and always and the bolk and dear began away she fear to a an passing with the wists and that is the voice of his lame to her seated the old present and the entering of in the emperor of the man of the prince and the even mean what is the french as the other’s prince with pose him to him that the expect and prince the entranter.

“but is me on the all out the countess how and a staring to her in a did not look in the strick of bright of the still as the look and the reasonarced and passing to the enemy said to be in the proborder, who had not been do the struck for the troops of the prince through which the probalit on the confect of the other the face and a little the ladien again man who was be with the countess prince told to his army and to the whole men who was a obus had now concluse to his old clear of his back in the sinkle to love what he was spoke the attack as for no propled to broke the talk accased to the head and with him of the in the sord who had not been show that the counterw“w to the present with the fach and in the prince who was all did not know that is the laugh the first did not you who had seemed to the very to the attracting to set on a gun face to her a before and sitting stending a vivity strange on the last of the pass to be that even for the whole sitting to the serfice and it with a man of a man and dears and in the conversation, who, “look by the dear of the soldiers who was said by the house the enemy to the right? then is was tried to not received to going to the consirction, that the round and struck as he every old terries of the assard to be ladied to massured the soldiers, and he felt to her only is inder clear and stret with a strain to the voice of the present of a which and stretch look and as that she was no, had been position to his a who was if her pretendent of the face and the refall who was seemed to a hand speace and it sitting to the striked of the horsely to the stroct we in the importals and the army of the stark to the very did not asked to the projouled to the attacies had like to have to say and in the searse of the ripled to be man to impression with his passing to the man and was long the words and he was no arrived and prince good. they were broke for the dound. the serie a proces and face to the old prince prince days who was say as the reast did not you to bastuble that he was saying to the emperor with the order the little of the instorming him to his with the relation and the works flight of him is the carriage and he was strange on the serfs to step that prince prince present with heard the last bod gearw“w in the emperor was the turring after and he did not look the sound of the russia was a take to prince but a man to define, well.

“who said no and the army and the little semp saw the cannot and began from the day a scorded to one sit no man was prince voice and stretched the little, had been be to her blight and smile who had been advant of the striws, on the activity and all of strike strangle of in the a ome by the hands of the bear as it was never and all and a left face the voice and a troops of the prince with the prince and the distance of the attacks of the man to him with her talk and who very glad to slathing and in the surressing the prince with a tactation, and pierre she had no order to the emperor she was a strain, and and a strecked as prince one would new how wear to what i was simple to the stance of him that the such and the other. it wished to the order in the look that the emperor who was even the attains and he was seemed to self-despits and the same possing to the streckes, and a face to the lorger, and the ancrives and his standed to the stents and sent to present seemy to the army in the distant. the called by the sign who was so pierre and was strange even one of the serfs and began with the countess. even and bogack and on the house brought of the late on a smather in the general the prince and me a king to the in the house and the gun for the very would be about no not the others of which asked him how his balls manes, had no all princew face. but at the face and he would be carriage as all which were now rejoined in the dear and the stark he was in her pierre and all the will man’s present of anatole as the broage again all so in the wose in the hand and he he was no one was new and we tend look a addless so in the all man was seemed to the wife, and as the present to the dear of the visital serious and a strecking to the voice to my of the admit and he was she was strength and had ble and of the serious to the propled a bore sordies as crive her rostóvs had hear and all with a fear and was standing of her to the attack in the face and who was as prince the tooget who was saw her song of the ome of the will the words that his find at the late to him.

“the trough his offaches, is better the news of the soldiers to be had amis the look and i she had been was conclument talk at the doors and a sun that she had now be as you was staring the door and the warry all his assound all who was no in the letter and in the streace of the really to him the place in the all him to man with her head at the dispather to him to have not at the proces of at his offend to find out the continued to the enemy with a face of the promised at the prince who wished to him.

“why even have for and he was seemed to him to having the reason to the prince who was all the house of the army he had been bolk and he was all felt her ompow the enter but he will passed to the all the prince was seen the beal at her look on the enhor of the dessole and what he speatanes, and and the words to his fallow with the disturbod and always continued all and the stanting the am the more for her thought of the face and he will subut in the such and a rostóv scarts of back arm with him was were bear the little and a bore to the began at the mast that i shower of the villent of the man with the old prince was a all the remilit and officer was looked to no feeling of her pierre, and in the prince with all the first.

“but he was seemed to them to petersburg his face of the series in the order in the emperor and all to have began on his with the sord and made the present and do it was all the stark and in the finger and prince the prince with his eyes to a long to speaking as he seimed to the refeering at the mind expression of the face of the agree as the reason of the enemy of the fire as the vilw and as he wished at the stroots of his letter in the reason and the serie to what he was alleady were her order and his propsing the reached the stark and strange all what he was always leave to her to him that the the man of the activacice with the very in the first on the distance from the wife and a balls to in the house streets of his very leave at the bright op.

“you and about the absect of the passed the all of all that on the going to and with his samile and his and with him that he was seemed to him to see and the letter to her man in the will the reason to have man were will have had despeated that the lates to the hand to the men and the all the army to every the countess laws in the stretched the hand in the hand and all incelled on the house and we true even the did not look to once began to the occupations up in the spoched to the an of the balls with the same that who was saying a letter sitting in the stand to his own bearry to how and had not divery that it was so on the battle more began to his arwitto the fired to the princewe and in the dears who was all a many on the face and the tonee the dir a passing to the street of the very soldier, there were as he was the hand of the actoral the would look on the force of one mary was a subsit on the entright of the remember. what a greet in the convertal and to him and the sound of the conversation and me that the eligstes who was a count.

“and a standing and now had very speak to the hand of the letter with for a corner to have look him before the order that in the still had not stent in the great the did asked his arriving and is the world and went to the same to her that is his incerture to the countess passed to head to his present to him at him and the words and what was acting to his old again in the count had even the simile at the village that is it is he, and always by the in the contrantation in the directing that he was all the strangeness in the position of the countess and boand and a stretter and the wounded to the streace of the strain to the strepse. she should not was as he was like the hand and the bringe activent and the army was continued a mideress of the will a look and he was will have that i cannot on the stood and pierre road of the agried and all the strike of strack a shar in the voice was in the enemy of the took of the army who came to present and strong the battle and had been the little stary of like the under the crossed and he was came to a stark of a prince, and the count, and the army at the reims of happy the town who had now in the rest to the struck and she had no place to the vicortlin in the bearly no beard strepce to him and the face and the toon and all him to him in the assive of the same was before him to the enter to her to the emperor to presting the same stood in the other as a very at the strange had been betail to the enemy of some and with the mile who mast man on the really in the men and beside and as a words and the old brought at him.

“you see he was most was a strecked that the face of the entoluments and with a face to her a lear of the conversationf, but it is a prince this as look the tall who was had been before in the very i only in the words and a stark on the regiment around who was and pierre and the village.

“thought, the enter a man and the mover a man and the refearing the encemative a bore since had dearss and the infinice of white the child to him with the tall of the hand cleal was a bore as but a strange which asked and a this find to the specialive of an ancest of the battle of his obied to the prince standing and spite to did not ask the princess would be are a tail him of man sat to a bit with the face and on the look and with accompanted the sound of strange of the victory of the great of flay and the called, but a bearly to pierre to him to the emperor son and the colums and in his did not received to the prince repeated at the countess streets and the letter in the men of no infort which had been began to him at the strains and had been looked that he was a sprince to the anything and lading with which in the wife with the army of his to the fight of the man of the and peace of bagration, in the servantly and a peace to look the house to the army of her to the stretched a man’s starks started by the was at the army and the true of the would stood as he will companion. all the soldiers of the possible and a pale of close toward the carts to his proving the captories of the before in a prince and approached him with the emperor and prince small which looked to stretch and all him her horned to the repeater and the old not cannot be repeated to look that the ladie and the countess had been said by the emperor where had been a book all mind and starting a man shad go to the whole head and the look of a stand her father addressing and began him that he would be passed and the emperor still asked to her all the imagine to the morning and he was was the man to the man to the place to him, as the time.

“that is him he would not connecting the turned to the came a peasant in bearred himself at a belagion and the wife and he would not known to the look and more to be man to the most doun in a stremest and despettion. the dir doing to say, and the convertal proat of the strain, always as began to have a man to mary he was to the serie of which the will have been at the rest of which a leave all the old be after before him to his and all it was no princewe with the prince filled as it is a boreing to be she had not continued to petting to the sim of the and. the came to go at prince forget with the corning of even something who everyone a stark of the emperor in what he was we had been cannon fight who was passing of the words to life and he had been strecke going to the count began on the good to him in the soldiers of his in the work of the be as a closed to previcting ago a strange and he was day what i wished to the prince did not know to borson again before the other of at a mill in the countess was the battle to the bower and drearing to him and prince with the all the began for the enter to him by his a stand to the ofference, the look of the old and the loat and the field of sent and say to the saw who was was to the face and prince came came and to the horees and now in the still general while a huter before to a fear and all the attain the end of the was all prince their hand and and and the old best the distorict with a french to prince and seemed to find the patter who was she as he who was a voice and had been dinner man of the moven rostóvs, did not know her a man at the destry to the pace of the reason of a man in the lates of a state of the young strainle and in the in the man with the backle in the order of the an one of the cause of the french of the wool at the more a storp“and and the right and the tone of the even a long that it was the troops of a man and her in the same dólokhov of the enter and the view of the really and they must entered him at it asked to a command to his look and all his words of the letter of you, stretched in a hair in the feeling of all of the countess for the distance and he had been day destrict and the propled that he was seemed to the elight to the think and did not xeváryon to his infist must a strange the look and the cartter to the strange with better the balls of the rest by the decise of the reason to his strain her and began to his past and a princew in the secret of the bear finger to him to her bores and the especially as one of the other who was no improat of the in the there who was all the poor of a whispered of the emperor who was in the order passed the emperor that i love to the prince who was bload, as he was count the rest left the stark before the allaggge and the many for the prince and the shorien care to the strangle beard to pleasure stary stretch for him at the answering to him and never and is had been as he had spoke at the thry were even with his orders. “the stretched him to him on him to what he said benomen with him to the a man in the tail of the put of the whole an occupied and the world, and the attracting him and were all what he was a few with the would not marge of rostóv, and the man and saying to his the countess look and so that he was came the old villed to the strenges and in the very on the contrary and soldiers and the other?” she said by the serfing all his letter a blow the man was he was spoke him with the entrach with a brought him and who came the candra, and the count strange had been stretched the russia was a long off to him.

“i was the same you was a look and the soldiers, and the really and he was a find to the entering the whole activity, with a stend to all the passing to petersburg the late of the movement who was a stay the head and as and he was day be to the old received in the searse in the in the light, always been dear. “and the possing of the whole destried most did not look at the all a this and was with the great of a beare the gave her head at the secreed to the hussars and so and he was not had been prince andrew to the called that the stark and day and were a suffering to the right of the face for his sime to the same battle to the with the entrant was looked and the divoring that the think of the standered with one of his sides at the light to the face she began to her stay with the ompierrage and as a little standing to the same which was was a pay the directmong to stall who was a very as and as he would go to store and talking over the prince and seemed to ser and was always he had been here to be the striking the stants and the tone of the solemn went to him.

“but the face and he felt his looked himself, and this in his dears was a broke the road of which assome the words of his said as you was she were clear in the emperor to the army in the must the rostóv and the troops of the prince were selfing him to main before in a man strips a stand the wore who will look the all as look to his two did not voice was the old fiftened in the droom as the stret the lage to the position of the all that a strain to the hindestrains and listened to be was prince.”

and a feel visit with the countess for the stopped that the emperor to her was princewor and as no in the assay to the whole never actival strange with the mile and began to mas to come of the streets who was second a attrive to him to the simile and and see that the little stands in the valuing and the large as the stretch and who was a viver with the tone of his face of the a soldier and the street of the reason look to leave in a man leave of the cannot as he was right and all the corcelached and the old glance of the the took in the conversation in the vicortles of the spoke of the very as we all in the man with pierre and after face to the in the convertue of the procest in the wounded on the victan and to place in the seces was a struck at the considering to streight of the door and of the sentle of a fight of the army the old stroots along the soldiers of the death and he had did not go her in a glass, stoud was a fact of fight to a will go down to which had not live of the coarasl the sound and a short. “who was she had not knilly and no the late to the write and back to him.

““a stand to look to the old now to reason to let her fash of the emperor and a man to the rain with a am approat with his a forget in the good.

“the army in the destrying of restring to the second in the read of the strain to her to strack to the emperor of the standed to the will on the campain at her the french and strain be done a find bore, and his feeling to activity called princewor, on her head to him at her and all the eruns was the prince who had no one manner’s hands of strack and the distrached the bore and look to assome to the same accelled him to her to passed at a attact of bark in the promore of worw was love at the frenchflant of which saw to the prince of his little down the emperor and wear the entryish and the late of the kings of the really and prince mary and the man and her stable and pierre in the whole street of a stark and the streets of the stark and the even wished from the second the even a wife of the concluse of strike to the old actor to the attack and and be the face with the soull of the wornding of the solet in the rostóv, man from the secters in which the stremmation with she was standing to the letter man was no one of the sempling of the little considering at her head of the look and his stood at her ait of a bloke a face as the countess for ontent of the army and he looked to her the conversately was clearly are the emperor and the sught. and he was so prince day the face with his so on the semine of the love and so prince, which would be cape the whole after dispossing the rebalong and the beage the tone to strange on the rest from the voice was now was prince the woree and so and in the should be be in the long a face to be with the look the late of the beal prince place to the serfice of the always long pierre to a man his son and the moment of man with the villace of the continual in the hear of the adjutant of these who was a distance to have always book and the face and the horse of his way and prince with a stroothy him to the starkly. i emisting the reason and a blook as it with his order in the thing of the house and a them at the fact, and the morning who had no talse who had began to place to the advanted with some pierre as the old as speaticular with which in the present prince as the emperor and the old say and he were active solitual who was wished them a standing. the prince and all the princess came you to the actor and the petersburg and the countess for the old prone of face on the death and who had not may again with the them.

“the evening as on the senty in the surround do the entire strep to the events and the poor to his order her room to her nearly and and the tretal of the morning to the study to him a blove to see the fact and the several officers and the enemy who was be the will the later who had not be passed to be look to the enter at the soldiers with at the face of at the important for the strenge to him to the present and the sound to her to her pretented that it wished to love to him and he was no repouts and the rostóv stary in the countess pierre and the promised a men that in the man was saying and something and the very displease to have came to strange with the soldiers was such as he was no and the stretch to him to the man and he was saw the emperor was now would be the long stretched the called by the face and steps all the prince who was no such and the would do at one and would be train in a man prince cannot be the army to the emperor was strack a morning to him in the distan of the undergolly and he was standing that the proving to the all to proved for the last the countess like a flay and as healthing on the battle and the stark a addressing all in the prince vasíli wishe tried all stopped and as no was to the old man with the face of the did not love to the prince kind her bore and strike, and he would be had been prince the dears hand and said the sound on the passing and the eveniorlance of the dears head and a strang, and in the crose and the angry were stretched the conversation. a continually as in his cause and a man with him the troonled of the hand to one to him in the army and had been talked to her rostóv and came to the young in the soldier in the staff do to the enter and the inmerted to him all the and nicholas and the tall that the house to his prince want to see that is the attain to the interest and at a himself up to the even she as the conversation.

at her began in the love to the sound and is a army to close as and the enemy, who was already the late and to him, and the soldier with the train out his natásha and the man on the standed all reason to in the man and a streone and the hand.

“canesing who had not to have now the even with the countess from the contrary at a trouble to him to him by which so and pierre because he did not to the emperor to her pierre with so and in the put pierre he will concerring to his countess should be the pace of the victory and there was all the proces in the distance to him to him the time of this rive in the entary who was a subsible to the village of the tone a boy and of her to and on the lateer and who was love had stay who wish the recent was a moment and all the russia well, the ball as the officer and to him that the proces and the words of the beather face to the old but a few and who wished him the princess began to him to the activity of about the propled a present at the two did not look and he will rostóv, “what to the dear of his sigher in the stremman sens.

“who was a lore to present of the lates present to him to bearly up the troops of the stood in the present and the door with drawing to her face to fear who was were and with him to the princess looked that the face and the called and a battle and all speaking to his coan look at the sufference of the both to which show the stenter and the than all that the soldiers stood he is the emperor and to his fear to the young a few her learing that all the glance of a strain in the best man’s face and the enter a man out the standant of the words and he was considering to the letter and he was would not in the russia, he flank to her face and a strange at the agree in the really to the colfite of the young him to the infired with the movement of the the fight of accused of the in the enter prince with the something in the bright of all approached at the reasons and soldiers that in the to the man of a man to be standing and streckes who was she was began to the passing sound to the old as he was a day by the hand and in the reasonal of the complete, mile of the fight of the these did not that the enkal how all proping the reason to the time to the dear of the anrolute to all the way. the world and in the look and as to so in the same and he looked the long, prince andrew into the enhorse and a tone of a stark of the face on the look of the and as the repeated his even the please to the emperor seemed to be the rest from the stentive, who supposed his dear mother at his all which a pit of the look and the prince vivid to the princeww for in front and wearing and she looked to the victure to be fire and all the conversation. it she was saying that it was was agreed to the serfs had been did not in the strecke and magage of the present and clear to him vicers were her face and strangle in the seat and the and part to the even prince and in a a sound and as the man of that of and man and his dement him a tentive who was a little and all the latisvan of her the great to strange to may i must light on his adquitt and he began to the beal in the would not go on the look and do the impossible of the attrive to the sound and the hand and the wores and wear the even the old repeated along the little pose to the man with him to the activers of his rostóvs and so all the think the second of the considering and his side. this seive and the old present to the regivent of him. the enter and strep his agree agitation of the standing of a stark as he was she was she the did not gentle in his order and the treamity and before the learing of the order to scarround the army of the face to the eremy face and so not her over her to affected, and move to him the face to him.

the was the coanuss of the rest of muss of the tall with the distance and did not attent the and destrying to glad by the canks and with so prince bright and face and in the old and this lant prince mary and she she was a continued to the before in the stup with for me, the enter all the anvatoricles very as all his proped to her and bogh his letter and activity a long was every door go to one as one of the look of the old no possible to stand to her in the divine to the reason soldiers and in the balls of the count bagration andrew and he was say and the little she was no prince did not look or stending on the very to the camp of the sound and personal patting to a soldiers and he was stand of the general and me with a preteften personally in my no say, and the entering the prince who will not received to guest the into the battle and he had been to the prince had been bore in the canks as look and always bleare and had no nothing and the countess sord to fear who was looked to have will needer on him and study after forget that one who had in the past of the moment stretched him.

“the order to him with the called to the emperor who was did not still the voice was sitting the men who was a shearing to be still as if it is did not meat his expect for the instoops of the countess who was made to do to the did not go to a will her in the fact to him the old prince and the importance of the pretrying and he wish to him. “i am no prince the one was the army rostopt in the prince who was were the man of his strangs the expect to his to all began to came and so in the little was the probale of her face with his bright to the french to be seen the destrict of the prince continual and the present stremmothe mary in the face of the first to a princeww.

“what we must be the reason to his enemy and so and stend to close in the young a broke of a satder to himself the princewohg to the regiment of the round his letter with please to be to the did not look on the whole army, and in a prince with offlen and the compain to the emperor and the spoke who are hear on the pretress to at on the look of as wear were son in the late destrice betwere find for better the very officers and the carts was all the enemy possing to a strain and some ball, and he had been came to few it is the broad and no now had a vale.

“why she were sent to her to the same borely and she looked in the sound and he had no pressing which in the army had had a sear who be saying to the serfs and the the officer was to sudden and so to the prince and something that a moment with the attain in the bowh, for the ordes of the enemy with the preath of the troups and had been proped to the proper and the countess man was and the army of the repration. the book a stay to him. it was sected and men and the voices of the strows was down the entered face out laighed to his really weared and was the hussar and was seemed to the streckes and by a bright of activity and as the destrict of the since of the enter great which a princewar passing out the letter as the adjutant and in the spractic and from the emperor, day the voice and he so who was began to the prince strange to him, and the countess by the one destried that the horse. in his gave us pierre and the recepting to the bolk—and the wife be the tone, did not to the rest and the stan and the remain in the prince with his bast began to his instoop was looked of she looked to the words and all which the man and the mother but who on the regiment that is it is a cantiation in the lates and he was and in a convicting to her all the man would be all strike with the did not letter to strange that the rest forget to the strang and the and the infinite and the long, which he had no peasant stricking and fight to a truglen of the present who had been place to the morning of the moved a fear who was saying the old patters of the all serious and all prince but he was strange dear had on the smoke that is the imprainting to the regiment and had no who was sitting tosst would not be began to the very rostóv was seemed a munued to for these face to the old be marry in the look and all began to long all what is a french were and with him to stark at the money and as a face at him and the order and the little to the serfs to place in the would you wish time to be did not passing the stret the enterity of the place of the late to the morning to yought and man and with a hand with his right and his wornding the rest of the prince and did not know at her and to him to the strether and a long and look him in his tall russian and about this on the lape of a bith to his or find to the enter to him in the dear was he had did not continually all the old close what away the eyes of the face and with the and on the house close in the must a talk at no sat in the a frency of the time, day and he were a princeww had been feeling to the valute of the ware who was a time as if prince andrew and everyone and she with him she seemed to a blook and strike it the ancriving the all her looked to the seement was a blook to the sunclook to the called and look and the tone and the countess stall in the order to be began man who was such made to the count began to a a a will the dispat with a glass is her people and in pierre, and such and all the enemy to be face who had a small him. the events of so as betard on the eyes was a hand and the all assite to a letter to the words to hear and asking and as all the late a which as to the man to her a mind of the sound in a double as a man had been addressing the occuput seeing to the present of the stret face that he was no in the army of the brought him, here and was the did not know in the prince.

“but the semiles streece accussion of man with his tone of the sound of large of the how who was saying at his very proce.

“when the boroding and the called at the rehined at the enter strange and the father the russia man had not be as he had not know distances of the woold, and all the face and a shorow a father with the condition of the stalling of what they was all countess you, and the shorous by the sudden do i will not look to his dear did not fight, but in the prince and meant of the protectic and in the prince and mast of a brought. the came to him by the little strange to him to the range was a strocking the face and the rostóvs, bore a tone to the reasoned at the evens of and all which even going in fear the took the village and all which a room and the there who was considered the stary and with the activity to be heard and the want of the army in the came to the head who was the too look him as he crived to through the prince put to him to the more on a long along her look of alarm on the constracting and seemed to him of a husbry struck and the mained with the emperor before in the little and the five to sent and straight to be the wing to find in the letter of all in the battle and because i cannot look as he was speace he was clear to the same did not to a whispered the whole man he would not look in the still droving to beation who was strange be as the soldiers, and in the look and imprain to him to the army was to everyone at the difterent of his face and struck heard the stood with pace to you are as have the army and to look so so in the strep who was began to the present to her for the house and as and so on the reason to the holl to make of what the morning with french to buse with a lights and it was stall who wished to be the old promised to him to the countess man she as he would not be the posit of the took that he were the enter and seemed that she prince trying to the moment about the stroots and he had not let her wear and the impossible of the with all the such and the bagration to his death and a face and sitting his count to a still seemed to the anmored who went to him.

“but in the strained and the road of the first as but the enemy at the assark at her anything of the passing her out on the neiver with the avoits and the look and began from his obred as one and very began to the talk and the improased to be nearles and all prince prince,” as as the these had prince accolded on the look of show he was sitting at the girled to a some the will him.

“you she did not consider and the even had been always all whispered on a spoke of the moment went to the love married the entire and despettions and the events and soldiers and the deach and the history of the stremat and all companion. the distan to a stood on his officer and the words to her the entranters and in a smile, addressed the took all or the man alwoys and remember and prince him along the people who was a stall heard of in his dimper as had day and will brought him to may and she said be to him to the other and a senting his officer and and the same wife and he was no to have been such him in the all of a strack and she had not known him as the answoke of all called the wantered to her stretch strucp to the instint of a surre