NaNoGenMo / 2017

National Novel Generation Month, 2017 edition.
185 stars 7 forks source link

location-based gossip maybe? #23

Open swizzard opened 6 years ago

swizzard commented 6 years ago

We (re)watched Gossip Girl a few months ago; maybe procedurally generating e.g. 'A. and B. were seen at Hotel Fake-Name' would be fun?

swizzard commented 6 years ago

swizzard commented 6 years ago

this has Taken Some Turns and is (for) now a js-based tracery grammar instead of a haskell-based fsm.

if the gods smile upon me this weekend it might become a purescript-based combo of the two, but we'll see.

swizzard commented 6 years ago

DONE! it's repetitive and stupid and terrible but it's more than 50,000 words. Code: Output: