NaNoGenMo / 2017

National Novel Generation Month, 2017 edition.
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Morte d'Arthur vs War of the Worlds #38

Open stevemcc opened 6 years ago

stevemcc commented 6 years ago

Train up an embedding with some kind of older writing; attempt some kind of (LSTM?) based style transfer onto a newer story of appropriate length. This will probably be a complete disaster, but at least I'll have an excuse to play with some modern computational linguistics tools in the process.

ikarth commented 6 years ago

I like these crossover-generators that juxtapose two very different texts. Looking forward to seeing your results!

stevemcc commented 6 years ago

A teaser: (full novel & code posted tomorrow)

"And and he saw a to be that was ular. She had been growing to a terrible fair, and when Sir Launcelot took myself that all now no saloon should have a hard and he passed the regard to the court, and let me his peace of steaming, that I deliver relief unto her heart was with the well. When Sir Gawaine was great proper on a day from the Torder at the west. CHAP. XXV. _How Sir Tristram fought the sews were that was missed him to eat unto my imagine for forteth at me to let a need, where on a child with the castle and speak of La Beale Isoud come and drawn in the toors, and defend them that it was expressed, and a trees and we were the cold ming in the old glistening the came to the commander to refuse it and saluted me which, in the little new they arrive known the which ye so see no more of decomed boblish of me, since a feather have reported out eat and many danger and the great was of a consideral powder of full only carrying about his story, and a place of the possible passion with a reality of the better as of the and great actiest of that waste of human time and empty. And when the king was that I have going the long tulning her great trall. That had one and seemed to be getting me the Martians in the squire of the branch, and he said to see his two tawn of the Professor down and a vast departure and formed at no back how I have sent the projectile had pressed me in a thought so loud and night he came her that the shell Manorsie percided the chamber with good hampberd, the continent which marvellowed to her flower that might we came and mid I will pell us.

stevemcc commented 6 years ago

Contains a contender for 2018's Bad Sex Prize:

Therefore she were done with no bottom which upon the fellow some could not matter on his knees, and the perfect happen on the large skeler limbs, that he had came nor no doubt, but the window was suffered his consul horn to know you, Passepartout Massal much in all the day and well for his night with him, and when the road lead the third since went and to trust that the mistress upon Sir Launcelot, here smoked the Heat-Ray.

stevemcc commented 6 years ago

Everything up at