NaNoGenMo / 2018

National Novel Generation Month, 2018 edition.
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The Journal of Alexandria Alexander #101

Open mathias opened 5 years ago

mathias commented 5 years ago

At the last minute, I wanted to put together a novel with Tracery after all. This uses "The Journal of Albion Moonlight", a rather odd journal-style novel, for sentences structure, and then randomly picks words from for character names, descriptions, locations, etc.

This particular run of the generator script gave me a rather repetitive name for the main character, and I stuck with it.

The code makes journal entries through the months of May, June, July, and August, at which point is assumed that the character has lost track of all time, and is just counting the days.

Code: Novel:


Chapter 1 May 2

We set out. Yet I could not bring myself to tell about Makenzie. The forest was sedately glorified in the morning. Kyle insists on reading Shakespeare to Shane. We blush. Our supply of mishap is on the wane. Our employment brought them copying to the very fringe of the non-profit.


Chapter 84 Unknown Month, Day 42

Our outdoors was wet through. Yesterday we were set upon by valiant materialistic acquiescences. Two we shot at. About mid-day we decided to take advtange of the opportunity for a chew. Besides, Makenzie has disappeared from the camp. We have a funded fear of our own species.

How beautiful are these refinery, the Manatee apologise, Green header, and Fuchsia delegation. We were in danger of destruction at any driver and carrier. Our hamburger brought them burying to the very fringe of the county. Yesterday we were set upon by restrict enamel appendixs. Two we shot at. His shoes are worn; his feet have obviously done many correlation in them. Baning seemed to be the only practical method of defense. His shoes are in succeeding condition The locality lay in a little Hubei restaurant.

We buried him beneath the piercing parlor, and on a piece of vicinity printed his name.

50005 words.

mathias commented 5 years ago

Sadly, I didn't get far enough in one night to implement the later interesting bits of The Journal of Albion Moonlight, in which the typography breaks down. There's also poems throughout. Both would've been fun to attempt.


JKirchartz commented 5 years ago

This is awesome - reminds me of a game I used to play that had a 'sanity meter' that got weirder and weirder as that meter went up.