NaNoGenMo / 2018

National Novel Generation Month, 2018 edition.
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Catalog of Strange Items #7

Closed greg-kennedy closed 4 years ago

greg-kennedy commented 5 years ago

The goal here is to generate a glossy Catalog of bizarre and unique objects - like you might see in SkyMall or The Sharper Image, except these will be even stranger.

The title, description and price of objects are procedurally generated. (Now is as good a time as any to learn Tracery...) Each object will also have a "photo", made by procedurally generating a POV-Ray scene file and rendering it. The final collection of objects will go into a layout tool that generates a .pdf or .ps with cover, table of contents, back page, advertisements, etc.

For determining word count of the pictures, I'll probably go with counting the words in the POV-Ray script that drives rendering.

LuRsT commented 5 years ago

I really like the idea of the pictures representing the objects in the book, looking forward to this one!

greg-kennedy commented 4 years ago

From Slack on Nov. 26th:

Feeling a bit discouraged this year. I took a long vacation and I'm way behind, and I don't know if I will meet the deadline.

As predicted, I didn't make it :)

greg-kennedy commented 4 years ago

Since I was in the code for this year anyway, I spent a few minutes today cleaning up the code for a "final" commit - and also rendered a 20-page sample.

Code: Sample: