NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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#NNNGM: Another 50,000 Meows! #105

Open hugovk opened 4 years ago

hugovk commented 4 years ago


The source code for 50,000 Meows from 2014 is way too long:

We can do better than that!


Especially for Nano-NaNoGenMo or #NNNGM:

I have declared that November will also be the month in which people write computer programs that are at most 256 characters, and which generate 50,000 word or more novels. These can use Project Gutenberg files, as they are named on that site, as input.

(This quote is 253 characters.)

Basic version

26 characters

p -c 'print("meow "*9**5)'


meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

Is it cheating I have p aliased to python? Maybe, but I'm going to say it's not as I already set up like that and it wasn't done just for NNNGM, and it wouldn't exceed the 256 limit anyway.

Why 9**5 and not 50000?

Full output

Better version

92 characters

The basic version is clearly nonsense, as there's no punctuation. This one makes much more sense.

p -c 'import random as r;print(" meow".join([r.choice(",:;.?!") for _ in range(9**5)])[2:])'


meow! meow! meow? meow: meow! meow. meow: meow! meow? meow, meow? meow, meow; meow: meow! meow; meow; meow: meow! meow? meow! meow. meow! meow: meow? meow? meow! meow. meow; meow! meow? meow, meow, meow, meow; meow? meow: meow. meow! meow, meow, meow: meow. meow? meow? meow, meow: meow? meow: meow: meow: meow. meow: meow: meow, meow! meow? meow. meow: meow; meow! meow: meow? meow! meow?

Much better!

Full output

hugovk commented 4 years ago

The rules of #NNNGM say nothing of counting including the interpreter, the p -c bit. So, assuming you're already at a Python IDLE prompt, the source code is much shorter.

Basic version

12 characters

"meow "*9**5

Better version

78 characters

import random as r;" meow".join([r.choice(",:;.?!") for _ in range(9**5)])[2:]
enkiv2 commented 4 years ago

43 characters of shell:

for i in {1..25000};do echo meow{?,.};done

Requires a ksh-compatible shell. I'm sure it can be done shorter with some cleverness.

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 5:36 PM Hugo van Kemenade wrote:

The rules of #NNNGM say nothing of counting including the interpreter, the p -c bit. So, assuming you're already at a Python IDLE prompt, the source code is much shorter. Basic version 12 characters

"meow "*9**5

Better version 78 characters

import random as r;" meow".join([r.choice(",:;.?!") for _ in range(9**5)])[2:]

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iistickboy commented 4 years ago

The punctuation really improved my reading experience. Bravo on pioneering Nano-NaNoGenMo!

nickmontfort commented 4 years ago


You don't need the space between -c and ' by the way.

I think it's stylish to have your #NNNGM code runnable on the command line. But actually it doesn't have to be, according to me. When I first blogged about this, I just wrote:

write computer programs that are at most 256 characters, and which generate 50,000 word or more novels. These can use Project Gutenberg files, as they are named on that site, as input. Or, they can run without using any input.

You could have a 256-character .py file if you like.

In this case I do like the golfing of the program, but I like this final version the best even though it adds four unnecessary charcaters:

python -c'print("meow "*9**5)'|cat