NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
97 stars 5 forks source link

🐈 Don't talk to me 🐈 or my son 🐈 or my son's son 🐈 or my son's son's son 🐈 or my ... #107

Open lee2sman opened 4 years ago

lee2sman commented 4 years ago

COMPLETED project Gist


Well, I took a break from my main NaNoGenMo 2019 project for this Nano-NaNoGenMo project, an idea proposed by Nick Montfort to make tiny (< 255 char) NaNoGenMo entries, which could be tweeted out (for example). I think I was inspired by another Nano-NaNoGenMo entry, 50,000 Meows!

I used cowsay and added my own cow file using a cat ascii image, from one of many hundreds of ascii cats on the incredible 1995-era website by Glenda Moore. I copied another cowsay file, replaced the ascii art, and i was good to go.


Starting from the top:

/ Don't talk to me or my son ever again.  \
| Don't talk to me or my son's son ever   |
| again. Don't talk to me or my son's     |
| son's son ever again. Don't talk to me  |
| or my son's son's son's son ever again. |
| Don't talk to me or my son's son's      |
| son's son's son ever again. Don't talk  |
| to me or my son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son ever again. Don't talk to me  |
| or my son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son ever again. Don't talk to me  |
| or my son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son ever again. Don't talk  |
| to me or my son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son ever again. |
| Don't talk to me or my son's son's      |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |

at the bottom:

| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
| son's son's son's son's son's son's     |
\ son's son's son's son's son ever again. /
         ,_         _,
         `         `/
        /    _   _
        |    a _ a    |
        '.=    Y    =.'
          >._  ^  _.<
         /   `````
         )           (
        ,(           ),
       / )   /      (
       ) (   )   (   ) (
       ( )   (   )   ( )
       )_(   )   (   )_(-.._
      (  )_  (._.)  _(  )_, `
       ``(   )   (   )`` .' .'
    jgs   ```     ```   ( (`

To run

Grab the cat.cow file from my gist and run either the minified or verbose version of my sons-sons-sons.js script or run this one-liner:

node -e 'let d=\'son\';for(let i=0;i<333;i++){let m="Don\'t talk to me or my "+d+" ever again.";console.log(m);d="son\'s "+d}' | cowsay -f cat

Note: You must have my cat.cow file installed to use cowsay this way. You can find the location of your cowsay file and where you should place my cat.cow file by first running cowsay -l

lee2sman commented 4 years ago

Oops, I forgot to say this is based on this meme

lee2sman commented 4 years ago

Cat saying top Cat saying bottom

luismqueral commented 4 years ago
