NaNoGenMo / 2019

National Novel Generation Month, 2019 edition.
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facetious #109

Open nickmontfort opened 4 years ago

nickmontfort commented 4 years ago

cat 100-0.txt 4300-0.txt|python -c"import collections,sys,re;d=collections.defaultdict(list);[1 for w in set(re.split('\W', if d[re.sub('[^aeiou]','',w.lower())].append(w)];print('.\n '.join([' '.join(d[p]) for p in sorted(d.keys())]))"

Another #NNNGM (Nano-NaNoGenMo).

Bins the vocabulary of Shakespeare's complete works, and Joyce's Ulysses, into sentences/paragraphs according to their vowel patterns, then presents these paragraphs in order according to that pattern. By 'vowel,' I mean lexical, full vowels. So words with no aeiou are first, then words with just a single a, then words with two a's and no other vowels, and so on. The word 'facetious' itself occurs in a sentence with all of the other aeiou words, of course.


Also find the code here.

Example novel.

hugovk commented 4 years ago

Example novel.

This is 404.

nickmontfort commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the note; not sure what I did to mess that up.

The novel is in place now as plain text at its original location, right down to the word 'Lugugugubrious.'